EVA Projects
- 242 – 2025-03-10 Thermophilization of European plant communities by alien species spread - S. Fan [PDF]
- 241 – 2025-03-01 Pollinators typical of habitats protected under the Habitats Directive (PollHab) - M. Chytrý, V. Šefferová Stanová, C. Olmeda [PDF]
- 240 – 2025-02-25 European Light Landscape: Patterns, Drivers, and Biodiversity Implications - W. Wu [PDF]
- 239 – 2025-02-04 EESE - M. Fioratti [PDF]
- 238 – 2025-02-19 The usage of species observations for locating potential EUNIS habitats - S. Mücher [PDF]
- 237 – 2025-02-14 The biogeography and evolution of willow species (Salix L.) of the European mountain systems - L. Pittet [PDF]
- 236 – 2025-02-05 Monitoring of nature infrastructure - Skill acquisition fOr NATure-bAsed solutions, ID 101159546 (SONATA) - B. Bokić, B. Radak, B. Jiménez-Alfaro [PDF]
- 235 ReSurveyEurope – 2025-01-29 Explore how functional composition drives ecosystem functioning in European grasslands - K. Van Meerbeek, C. Liu [PDF]
- 234 – 2025-01-24 Detection and climate-change attribution of plant diversity changes in calcareous grasslands - H. Werle, T. Conradi [PDF]
- 233 – 2025-01-24 European hotspots of local plant community species richness - M. Chytrý [PDF]
- 232 – 2025-01-23 PRO-WILD- Protect and promote crop wild relatives - E. Sayde [PDF] [data selections details: 2025-02-21 ]
- 231 ReSurveyEurope – 2025-01-10 Assessing plant multidimensional diversity changes in Europe - E. Tordoni [PDF] [data selections details: 2025-02-10 ]
- 230 – 2025-01-09 The potential for migratory birds to disperse seeds to novel climatic ranges - E. Plumanns Pouton [PDF] [data selections details: 2025-02-12 ]
- 229 – 2025-01-06 Phd project in the scope of the German project Green Grass II; Innovative use of grassland for sustainable intensification of agriculture on a landscape scale - J. Alsleben, P. Hostert [PDF] [data selections details: 2025-02-07 ]
- 228 ReSurveyEurope – 2024-12-09 Link between greening trends and community traits in the Alps - S.E. Bergò, C. Siniscalco, M. Chytrý [PDF] [data selections details: 2025-01-13 ]
- 227 – 2024-12-05 Ecological Niche Models for the Plants of Europe - Z. Marshall [PDF] [data selections details: 2025-02-03 ]
- 226 – 2024-12-02 World Ecosystem Extent Dynamics (WEED) - A. Evans [PDF] [data selections details: 2025-01-10 ]
- 225 ReSurveyEurope – 2024-11-15 Can we trust resurvey studies? - K. Chytrý, K. Klinkovská, M. Chytrý, S. Dullinger, A.T. Clark, J. Těšitel [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-12-12 ]
- 224 – 2024-11-08 EU Grassland Watch - K. Ruf [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-12-05 ]
- 223 – 2024-09-30 Growth strategies of perennial plants - T. Herben [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-11-07 ]
- 222 – 2024-09-12 Interpolated dynamics of local plant diversity in European vegetation - G. Midolo [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-10-31 ]
- 221 – 2024-09-11 Distribution of Naturalized Alien Plant Functional Traits across Europe - M.Sampson-Eves [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-11-08 ]
- 220 – 2024-09-09 Effect of environmental filters and geographical distance in the floristic composition of European temperate forests - V. González-García [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-10-15 ]
- 219 – 2024-08-27 Species competition and climate change velocity - I. Vogiatzakis [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-09-26 ]
- 218 – 2024-08-27 Spatial and temporal patterns of herbicide resistance in weed species within agricultural fields in Germany - B. Binama [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-09-26 ]
- 217 – 2024-08-01 EUNIS Habitat Maps: Enhancing Thematic and Spatial Resolution for Europe through Machine Learning - W. Thuiller [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-19-16 ]
- 216 – 2024-08-02 Understanding the causes of renal cancers - A. Ferreiro, M.-L. Aix - EXTENSION OF # 211 [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-09-05 ]
- 215 – 2024-07-16 FuD WE PIC – Functional and biological Diversity and habitat assessment of Wild Edible Plants in Italy for Conservation - C. Marcenò [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-08-20 ]
- 214 ReSurveyEurope – 2024-07-17 Vegetation resurvey studies in Europe, a review on methodologies, bias and mitigating techniques - J. Iaria [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-08-30 ]
- 213 – 2024-06-27 WINALP 21 - Bergwälder fit im Klimawandel - M. Olleck [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-07-31 ]
- 212 – 2024-06-17 Tree species range shift assessment based on a space for time substitution (juvenile- adult difference): a macroecological comparison between Europe and Japan - D. Koide [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-07-17 ]
- 211 – 2024-05-22 Understanding the causes of renal cancers - A. Ferreiro, M.-L. Aix [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-07-08 ]
- 210 – 2024-05-17 Tall-herb vegetation in the European Alpine System: diversity, ecology and conservation - M Lübben [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-06-18 ]
- 209 – 2024-05-03 ASASS - Alien Species Accumulation Across Scales - G. Colling [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-06-10 ]
- 208 ReSurveyEurope – 2024-04-30 Assessing the effect of non-native species on European native biodiversity and ecosystem functioning throughout time - K. Van Meerbeek, S. Haesen, W. Goossens [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-05-31 ]
- 207 – 2024-03-11 Characteristics of plant dark diversity in Saksfjed Wildernes and the implications for conservation of novel ecosystems. - A. Y. Munkholm [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-05-15 ]
- 206 – 2024-04-14 INtegrated Spatial PlannIng across REalms for biodiversity conservation and human development in a context of change (INSPIRE) - M. Jung [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-05-12 ]
- 205 – 2024-04-09 Biodiversity and management Impact assessment across European grasslands ( BioDiverseGrasslands) - M. Marcantonio [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-05-10 ]
- 204 – 2024-04-09 The effects of recombination rate on niche size and species success in heterogeneous environments - F. Zedek [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-05-10 ]
- 203 – 2024-04-04 The ecological niche of Inula helvetica - J. Dengler, M. Thoma [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-04-30 ]
- 202 – 2024-03-27 Vegetation of species-rich grasslands of the forest-steppe and submeditteranean areas of Europe and its determinants (PhD thesis) - K. Slachová [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-04-30 ]
- 201 – 2024-03-22 An efficient design for an European terrestrial biodiversity system - M.M. Viti, H.M. Pereira [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-05-07 ]
- 200 – 2024-03-01 MOTIVATE - Monitoring Of Terrestrial habitats by Integrating Vegetation Archive Time series in Europe - S. Kambach, U. Jandt, H. Bruelheide, M. Chytrý [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-04-12 ]
- 199 – 2024-02-19 Drivers of functional understory diversity in European mountain forests. - J. Erkelenz [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-04-09 ]
- 198 – 2024-01-22 Challenges and achievements of Natura 2000 protected areas in conserving habitat diversity - L. Ricci, M. Di Musciano [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-03-01 ]
- 197 – 2024-01-08 From monitoring to conservation policies across bioregions in Europe - S. Rigal [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-02-22 ]
- 196 – 2023-11-22 MAMBO: Modern approaches to the monitoring of biodiversity - L. Picek [PDF] [data selections details: 2024-01-04 ]
- 195 – 2023-09-25 GREENET - Grassland conservation across European landscapes protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services with ecological networks - E. Kapitany [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-11-13 ]
- 194 – 2023-05-26 Species-abundance distributions (SADs) and species trait distributions (STDs) in Festuco-Brometea grasslands - J. Dengler, U. Werner [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-10-12 ]
- 193 – 2023-09-11 Beta-diversity tree layer effect on the herbaceous layer of the forest - J. Sánchez Dávila [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-10-27 ]
- 192 – 2023-08-27 Ecological niche and accompanying vegetation of Eryngium alpinum in Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein (Master thesis) - F. Wetzel [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-09-26 ]
- 191 – 2023-08-14 Viola jooi Janka communities in Europe - I. Dmytrash-Vatseba [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-09-13 ]
- 190 – 2023-07-17 Broad-scale synthesis of the sandy dry grasslands and rock outcrop communities in Europe (Koelerio-Corynephoretea s.l.) - J. Dengler [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-09-19 ]
- 189 ReSurveyEurope – 2023-07-11 The effects of rewilding on biodiversity across climate and land-use change scenarios - S.E.H. Pang [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-08-24 ]
- 188 ReSurveyEurope – 2023-07-09 Grasslands for biodiversity: supporting the protection of the biodiversity-rich grasslands and related management practices in the Alps and Carpathians - A. Kuzemko, M. Janišová [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-08-30 ]
- 187 – 2023-06-26 Diversity and classification of European inland sand-dune vegetation - M. Ćuk [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-08-15 ]
- 186 – 2023-05-11 The biogeography and evolution of willow species (Salix L.) of the European mountain systems - L. Pittet [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-06-06 ]
- 185 – 2023-05-11The combined effect of nitrogen deposition and climate change on dry heathland habitats - H. Krajenbrink [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-06-09 , 2023-10-27 ]
- 184 ReSurveyEurope – 2023-04-27 Re-distributions of arctic and alpine plant species in the Anthropocene - S. Rumpf [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-05-29 , 2023-10-12 ]
- 183 – 2023-04-11 WET Horizons & ALFAWetlands - A. Barthelmes [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-06-22 ]
- 182 – 2023-04-20 safeGUARDing biodivErsity aNd critical ecosystem services across sectors and scales (GUARDEN) - C. Leblanc REPLACING # 153 [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-05-22 ]
- 181 – 2023-04-06 The European Commission’s Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity - C. Liquete [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-05-16 ]
- 180 – 2023-03-28 Indicator systems for the reconstruction of Holocene climate controlled for local habitat development - P. Hájková, A. Šolcová, L. Tichý [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-05-09 ]
- 179 – 2023-03-16 Ecological and phytosociological differentiation in the polyploid complex Tanacetum corymbosum agg. (Asteraceae) in the Central Europe - K. Vantarová [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-04-18 ]
- 178 – 2023-03-08 Functional structure of pioneer plant communities in river sedimentary bars - P. Janssen [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-04-05 ]
- 177 – 2023-03-03 The interrelationship between below- and aboveground biodiversity - L. Jungandreas - ON-GOING (interrupted) [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-04-13 ]
- 176 – 2023-03-02 Biodiversity assessments of wetlands using Bioscore3.0 - O. Sumbh [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-04-05 ]
- 175 – 2023-02-17 Genomic evidence for deciduous forest refugia in the Alps, Carpathians and northern Apennines - P. C. Campmany [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-03-15 ]
- 174 – 2023-02-09 Life cycle assessment methodology for assessing land use impacts on functional plant diversity - F. Rosa [PDF]
- 173 – 2023-01-25 Ecophysiological invasibility potential and synecology of Buddleja davidii - U. Šilc [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-02-23 ]
- 172 – 2023-01-24 Species-area environmental relationships based on machine learning - V. Boussange, J.T. Malle, G. Midolo, D.N. Karger. [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-03-08 ]
- 171 - 2023-01-02 Impact of neophytes on plant species richness in the vegetation of Europe - J. Dengler, K. Van Meerbeek [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-02-16 ]
- 170 ReSurveyEurope – 2022-12-20 Dynamics of multi-dimensional diversity (richness, phylogenetic and functional diversity) of native and alien species along elevation and latitudinal gradients - W. Guo [PDF] [data selections details: 2023-02-04 , 2023-10-19 ]
- 169 – 2022-12-05 Trait-based and compositional delimitations of habitats and the effect of including clonal traits for rhizomatous species - T. Harris [PDF]
- 168 – 2022-11-15 Climate change effects on plant biodiversity on small Mediterranean islands - A. Chiarucci, F. Santi, R. Testolin, P. Zannini [PDF]
- 167 ReSurveyEurope – 2022-11-14 VegTrends: Assessing long-term trends in the vegetation of European habitats and evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas - M. G. Sperandii [PDF]
- 166 – 2022-11-03 Biodiv-Watch - J. Schweizer - FINISHED (data from EVA not used) [PDF]
- 165 – 2022-09-01 Bracken communities of Europe - A. Jelinčić [PDF]
- 164 - 2022-10-17 Assessment of plant invasions across different habitat types in the Umbria region (C Italy) - F. Cortese [PDF]
- 163 – 2022-10-26 Plant richness in European vegetation: assessing drivers and geographical patterns - G. Midolo. M. Večeřa, J. Divíšek [PDF]
- 162 – 2022-10-20 Assessing the impacts of farmland abandonment on grasslands in Europe - A. Lomba REPLACING # 45 [PDF]
- 161 – 2022-10-13 Alpine and subalpine vegetation in Southeastern Europe, Anatolia, and the Caucasus: patterns of functional and phylogenetic diversity - D. Szokala [PDF]
- 160 – 2022-10-12 The ecological niche of Aristolochia clematitis - I. Brzić, Ž. Škvorc - FINISHED [PDF]
- 159 – 2022-09-29 Predicting and protecting the European flora biodiversity to climate and land use change - W. Thuiller [PDF]
- 158 – 2022-08-31 Assesing compositional dissimilarity among juniper (Juniperus communis subsp. communis) associations described from Europe. - L. Filipaș, G. Coldea [PDF]
- 157 – 2022-07-20 The role of micro-climate and micro-environment for population dynamics of alpine plants - J. Hausharter [PDF]
- 156 – 2022-06-23 Current ecological integrity as a predictor of past vegetation baselines - E. Pearce, J.-C. Svenning - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 155 – 2022-06-05 Species contribution to the delivery and resilience of NCP in Europe over time - C. Queiroz, M. Ohlsson - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 154 – 2022-06-07 The impact of climate change on regional plant conservation policy - D. Van Hoof, S. Haesen, K. Van Meerbeek - ON-GOING (interrupted) [PDF]
- 153 – 2022-05-19 GUARDEN - HORIZON EU PROJECT - A. Joly - REPLACED BY # 182 [PDF]
- 152 – 2022-05-24 Conservation Biology of Viola stagnina / V. persicifolia auct. in Switzerland - J. Dengler - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 151 – 2022-06-08 Syntaxonomic diversity of the annual wetland vegetation in Europe - S. Iemelianova, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 150 – 2022-04-14 Alysso-Sedetalia vegetation in Central and Eastern Europe - I. Vasheniak - FINISHED [PDF]
- 149 – 2022-04-07 Plant clonality: an unexplored source of local community diversity and species pool diversification - T. Koubek - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 148 – 2022-04-04 Trait-disturbance relationships in the European vegetation - G. Midolo - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 147 – 2022-04-01 An equilibrium theory of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: a 300-year perspective - A. T. Clark, P. Keil - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 146 – 2022-03-28 Creation of a harmonized land cover map as an example for the entire region of the Geneva Air Pollution Convention - C. Loran - FINISHED [PDF]
- 145 – 2022-03-11 Investigating the effects of ecological and historical factors on understory diversity of Mediterranean mountain Pinus nigra forests: natural and non-natural forests - A. Bricca, G. Bonari - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 144 – 2022-03-11 Formalized classification of European Mediterranean and temperate pine forests - G. Bonari, M. Chytrý - EXTENSION OF # 57 [PDF]
- 143 – 2022-02-28 The biogeography and evolution of willow species (Salix L.) of the European mountain systems - L. Pittet - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 142 – 2022-02-10 Supranational ecological indicator values in Europe - J. Dengler, F. Jansen, L. Tichý, M. Chytrý - 142a FINISHED, 142b ON-GOING [PDF]
- 141 – 2022-02-04 - Steppic oak forests of Europe - M. Kozhevnikova - EXTENSION OF # 125 [PDF]
- 140 – 2022-01-19 EnBiC2Lab - Environmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab - V. Garcia-Milan - EXTENSION OF # 134 [PDF]
- 139 – 2021-12-08 Survival of the smartest: is learning a key for rapid adaptation to the reduction and fragmentation of natural habitats? - M. Marcantonio - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 138 – 2021-11-03 The Salicornietea fruticosae class in the Mediterranean basin - G. Tavilla - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 137 – 2021-10-21The investigation of ecological niches of nitrogen-fixing legumes, parasitic and mycoheterotrophic plants and the co-occurrence of hemiparasites and legumes on a large scale - N. Fahs, I. Axmanová, T. Těšitelová, J. Těšitel - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 136 – 2021-10-21 Determinants of functional and phylogenetic diversity in Mediterranean forests. - J.A. Erkelenz - REPLACED BY # 199 [PDF]
- 135 – 2021-09-23 Euphorbia paralias in coastal dunes of Lower Saxony, Germany (Bachelor thesis) - M. Isermann - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 134 – 2021-09-14 EnBiC2Lab - E/nvironmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab - V. Garcia Millan - EXTENDED BY # 140 [PDF]
- 133 – 2021-08-18 Woodsia species (Woodsia ilvensis and Woodsia alpina) in the flora of Ukraine: phytosociological and ecological peculiarities and comparasion with the data from Europe - I. Vasheniak - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 132 – 2021-05-20 Effect of climate change on distribution of habitat types in Europe - M. Hellegers - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 131 – 2021-05-11 Phytosociology of Dactylorhiza majalis agg. in Central Europe - S. Schmidtlein, J. Dengler - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 130 – 2021-04-29 ETC / BD task1.2.2.2 Support to the Pollinators Initiative - D. Paternoster - CANCELLED (data from EVA not used) [PDF]
- 129 – 2021-04-26 WEPE –Wild Edible Plant Europe - C. Marcenò - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 128 – 2021-04-14 Calcareous perennial dry grasslands and scrub of Southern Europe - D. Vynokurov - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 127 – 2021-04-19 Adaptation to temperature and drought in gentian plants originating from their distribution edges - H. De Kort - FINISHED [PDF]
- 126 – 2021-04-14 EuropaBON case studies - U. Jandt, H. Bruelheide - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 125 – 2021-03-10 Steppic oak forests of Europe - M. Kozhevnikova - EXTENDED BY # 141 [PDF]
- 124 – 2021-03-15 Transposing biodiversity conservation –transposable elements as drivers of genetic diversity - H. De Kort - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 123 – 2021-03-15 FeedBaCks -Feedbacks between Biodiversity and Climate - S. Kambach, H. Bruelheide, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 122 – 2021-02-27 Calystegia soldanella –in which communities it occurs? - M. Isermann - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 121 – 2021-02-10 Formalized typology of plant-diversity patterns in European salt-affected grasslands - R. Pätsch, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 120 – 2021-02-12 Relationship of parasitic plants and plant diversity on the European scale - K. Knotková, I. Axmanová, J. Těšitel - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 119 – 2021-02-16 Plant /diversity conservation within Emerald Network - A. Chiarucci - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 118 – 2021-02-03 Climate impacts on understory herbs distributions, functional traits, and phenology - M. Vítková - FINISHED [PDF]
- 117 – 2021-01-27 What is out there? EVA2Corine - European Vegetation Archive to characterize plant species composition of Corine Land Cover 2000 - A.A. da Silva - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 116 – 2021-01-17 Geographical patterns of neophyte invasions in European vegetation - I. Axmanová, M. Večeřa, J. Divíšek, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 115 – 2021-01-11 Paths of invasion: how does the way of introduction shape the range of invaded habitats? - M. Riera - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 114 – 2020-12-25 Biases in species richness data in large phytosociological databases - R. Pielech, GrassPlot, EVA - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 113 – 2020-12-03 Managing plant species translocations: using genomic tools to unravel interactions between adaptation to climate and adaptation to habitat fragmentation - F. Van Daele - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 112 – 2020-11-05 Vegetation of rewetted fens - F. Jansen - FINISHED [PDF]
- 111 – 2020-10-10 Syntaxonomy of the Eastern European inland sand-dune vegetation - D. Iakushenko - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 110 – 2020-09-20 Geographical patterns of plant families in European vegetation - M. Večeřa, I. Axmanová, M. Chytrý - FINISHED [PDF]
- 109 – 2020-09-11 Plants at the margin: the present and future role of microrefugia in biodiversity conservation. - Y. Fragnière - FINISHED [PDF]
- 108 – 2020-08-07 Heterospecific plant soil feedback strength in relation to rarity, co-occurrence and relatedness in grassland communities - M. Majekova, J. Dengler - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 107 – 2020-06-26 Biogeography of Gentianella crispata - K. Huelber - CANCELLED (data from EVA not used) [PDF]
- 106 – 2020-06-22 Phylogeographic analysis of the Biscutella laevigata complex - T.-S. Patsiou - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 105 – 2020-06-16 Ecology and management of Helosciadium repens - J. Janssen, R.-J. Bijlsma - FINISHED [PDF]
- 104 – 2020-06-16 Invasibility of Mediterranean habitats by alien vascular plants, a case study from Sicily - R. Guarino - FINISHED [PDF]
- 103 – 2020-06-03 The importance of soil pH data in broad-scale distribution modelling of European plant species - J. Divíšek, M. Chytrý, B. Klímová - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 102 – 2020-05-13 Factors driving distribution of two closely related species: Anthoxanthum odoratum and A. alpinum - T. Šimáková - CANCELLED (data from EVA not used) [PDF]
- 101 – 2020-04-05 European Aquatic Vegetation (continuation of WetVegEurope project) - F. Landucci, M. Chytrý, K. Šumberová - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 100 – 2020-03-01 Variability of spring vegetation on a European scale - M. Hájek, P. Hájková, T. Peterka - FINISHED [PDF]
- 99 – 2020-02-13 Plant Functional Biogeography in the Mediterranean - E. Garnier - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 98 – 2020-01-31 Diversity and synecology of forests with Tilia tomentosa - I. Šapić - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 97 – 2020-01-29 Understanding functional diversity pattern across European grasslands - C. Boonman - FINISHED [PDF]
- 96 – 2020-01-16 Integrating species distribution models and plant resource economics theory - G. Decocq - ON-GOING (interrupted) [PDF]
- 95 – 2020-01-16 Knowledge and learning trough Social Networks: How many data for nature conservation and monitoring are we overlooking? - R. Guarino - FINISHED [PDF]
- 94 – 2020-01-02 RECALL – Revisiting CriticAL Loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition - T. Ceulemans, M. Van Geel, C. J. Stevens, J. Dengler, I. Biurrun - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 93 – 2019-11-29 Snowbed vegetation in Europe: main drivers of variability and diversity - S. Žemlová - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 92 – 2019-11-08 Creating comprehensive bias-corrected distributional estimates of the European floral biodiversity - B. Leung, L. Pollock, A. Jones - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 91 – 2019-10-14 Past, Present and Future Weeds - M. Glaser - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 90 – 2019-10-07 Syntaxonomic revision of the European heathlands (Calluno-Ulicetea) - C. Marcenò - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 89 – 2019-09-30 Modelling Euphorbia paralias realised niche in native and invaded ranges - S. Guilio - FINISHED [PDF]
- 88 – 2019-09-20 Phylogenetic and functional diversity of European steppes - D. Vynokurov, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 87 – 2019-09-12 Diversity and syntaxonomic revisionofthe Molinio-Arrhenatheretea vegetation in Europe - A. Kuzemko, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 86 – 2019-08-05 Alien plant invasions in European scrub vegetation - V. Kalusová, M. Chytrý - FINISHED [PDF]
- 85 – 2019-08-02 Plant invasions in the Mediterranean basin - M. Carboni - FINISHED [PDF]
- 84 – 2019-08-01 Syntaxonomic revision of extensively managed wet grasslands along the Wümme river (Master’s thesis) - N. Fahs - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 83 – 2019-07-04 Temperature responses of European plant species - W. Wamelink - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 82 – 2019-06-25 Ecological and evolutionary determinants of recent diversity in European forests - J. Padullés Cubino - FINISHED [PDF]
- 81 – 2019-04-25 Remotely sensed temperature predictors for Habitat Suitability Models - C. Berg, P. Schwager - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 80 – 2019-04-04 Conserving intraspecific diversification in a warmer world – a case study on endemic high-mountain plants of the Pyrenees - P.C. Campmany - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 79 – 2019-03-19 The use of hemiparasitic plants in orchards and vineyards (Bachelor thesis) - J. Těšitel - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 78 – 2019-03-11 The semi-dry basiphilous grasslands of Europe (Brachypodietalia pinnati): a revised subdivision into alliances with an electronic expert system - J. Dengler - ON-GOING (interrupted) [PDF]
- 77 – 2019-02-13 European forestry & forest pathogens under climate change. - S. Dullinger - CANCELLED (data from EVA not used) [PDF]
- 76 – 2019-01-29 Managing plant species translocations: using genomic tools to unravel interactions between adaptation to climate and adaptation to habitat fragmentation - F. Van Daele - FINISHED [PDF]
- 75 – 2018-11-27 Do community characteristics in the native range predict invasion success? - T. S. Fristoe, M. van Kleunen, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 74 – 2018-11-27 Dimensions of invasiveness in European alien flora - T. S. Fristoe, M. van Kleunen, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 73 – 2018-12-11 Temperate Deciduous Forests of Western Eurasia - J. Loidi, C. Marcenò - FINISHED [PDF]
- 72 – 2018-12-10 Invasion potential of the European endemic flora - R. Pouteau - FINISHED [PDF]
- 71 – 2018-11-19 Estimating response functions for plant species and vegetation types for nitrogen - W. Wamelink - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 70 – 2018-11-12 Connecting past landscape diversification with recent diversity patterns - J. Divíšek, M. Hájek - FINISHED [PDF]
- 69 – 2018-10-11 Modelling climatic niche of North American tree species - M. Sychrová, J. Divíšek, M. Chytrý - CANCELLED (data from EVA not used) [PDF]
- 68 – 2018-10-10 CSR strategy spectra across European vegetation - W. Guo, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 67 – 2018-10-03 Model-based classification of Mediterranean evergreen forests - F. Attorre - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 66 – 2018-10-01 Alien flora of the European sand dunes - C. Marcenò - FINISHED [PDF]
- 65 – 2018-06-19 Vegetation and environment of Rosa spinosissima (= R. pimpinellifolia) at the island of Amrum in comparison to other coastal areas. (Bachelor Thesis) - M. Isermann - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 64 – 2018-05-24 LIMEN - European Protected Biodiversity Outside The Gold-Green Zone in Limburg - I. Woltjer - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 63 – 2018-04-11 Ecological niche of Nuphar pumila - J. Dengler - FINISHED [PDF]
- 62 – 2018-02-21 Evolutionary determinants of disconnected phylogenetic and functional diversity in European grasslands - Z. Lososová - FINISHED [PDF]
- 61 – 2018-02-13 Between land and sea – a description and classification of low-growing salt meadow communities along the Baltic Sea coast (including related periodically wettened fresh contact communities) - E. Bergmeier, R. Pätsch - FINISHED [PDF]
- 60 – 2018-02-02 Toward a mechanistic description of land uses for ecological studies: Building a Vegetation - Land-use converter for Europe - A. Mimet - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 59 – 2018-01-11 Success of holocentric chromosomes: natural competition experiment on a global evolutionary scale - P. Bureš - FINISHED [PDF]
- 58 – 2017-11-23 Influence of historical and environmental factors on the community assembly of European alpine vegetation - B. Jiménez-Alfaro - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 57 – 2017-10-31 Formalized classification of European Mediterranean and temperate pine forests - G. Bonari, M. Chytrý - REPLACED BY 144 [PDF]
- 56 – 2017-10-11 Large-scale assessment of alien plant invasions in European grasslands - I. Axmanová, M. Chytrý, J. Dengler - FINISHED [PDF]
- 55 – 2017-08-19 Pontic-Pannonian sand vegetation – synthetic overview - M. Ćuk, A. Čarni - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 54 – 2017-05-29 Vegetation diversity of northern European boreal and hemi-boreal forests - A. Pyykönen, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 53 – 2017-05-22 BioScore 3.0 - A species-by-species model to assess anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial biodiversity in Europe - M. Hendriks - FINISHED [PDF]
- 52 – 2017-04-27 β diversity patterns in Europe along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients at multiple scales - M. De Sanctis - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 51 – 2017-03-06 Comparing present pollen and vegetation richness across Europe to reconstruct past plant biodiversity - C. Adolf - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 50 – 2017-02-10 Species distribution modelling of beech-silver fir mixed forests - L. Baumbach - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 49 – 2017-01-31 Quaternary niche and range dynamics in alpine plants - K. Hülber - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 48 – 2017-01-27 Vegetation affinity of Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides - T. Peterka - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 47 – 2017-01-19 Comparative analysis of petrophytic steppes and outcrops vegetation from Central and Eastern Europe. - I. Vasheniak - FINISHED [PDF]
- 46 – 2017-01-03 Vegetation classification and synecology of Robinia pseudoacacia stands in Europe - M. Vítková - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 45 – 2016-11-30 Impacts of farmland abandonment on grassland communities across the European territory - A. Lomba - REPLACED BY # 162 [PDF]
- 44 – 2016-11-15 Accounting for competition between species in large-scale species distribution models - M. de Jonge - FINISHED [PDF]
- 43 – 2016-11-02 Classification and biogeographical analysis of the Brometalia erecti and Festucetalia valesiacae in Central and Eastern Europe - W. Willner - FINISHED [PDF]
- 42 – 2016-10-02 Mediterranean spatial phylogenetics - M. Carboni - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 41 – 2016-09-29 Fine-scale species-richness patterns in European grassland vegetation - M. Večeřa, M. Chytrý, J. Dengler - REPLACED BY # 163 [PDF]
- 40 – 2016-09-16 Quercetalia pubescentis communities distribution model in Eastern Europe - V. Prokhorov - FINISHED [PDF]
- 39 – 2016-09-06 Dark diversity and species pool estimates based on species co-occurrences and distribution - M. Pärtel - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 38 – 2016-08-30 Scale dependence of macroclimate as explanatory of species‘ distribution and richness patterns with varying spatial resolution - A. H. Schweiger, J. Dengler - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 37 – 2016-08-22 Which climatic and edaphic parameters drive the co-existence of different plant functional types in European grasslands? - J. Dengler - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 36 – 2016-07-26 Range formation of beech forest understory herbs - W. Willner - CANCELLED (data from EVA not used) [PDF]
- 35 – 2016-05-02 Mixed functional and phytosociological classification reveals alternative patterns of plant community assembly in Mediterranean dry grasslands dominated by Lygeum spartum - R. Guarino, C. Marcenò - FINISHED [PDF]
- 34 – 2016-03-24 Accounting for biotic interactions in large-scale species distribution models - A. Schipper - REPLACED BY # 44 [PDF]
- 33 – 2016-03-16 Diversity and syntaxonomic revision of the European Atlantic heathlands (Calluno-Ulicetea) - J. A. Campos, I. Biurrun - EXTENDED BY # 90 [PDF]
- 32 – 2016-03-11 Increasing similarity in native and non-native functional diversity along altitudinal gradients on islands - B. Lenzner - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 31 – 2016-01-13 Diversity and syntaxonomic revision of the European ravine and noble-hardwood forests. - D. Zukal, M. Chytrý - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 30 – 2016-01-08 Phytocoenological relationship of plant species of the genus Soldanella sect. Soldanella to vegetation types - M. Valachovič - FINISHED [PDF]
- 29 – 2016-01-08 How much biodiversity is in Natura 2000 - S. Hennekens - FINISHED [PDF]
- 28 – 2015-12-15 Identify the relationship between latitude and elevational range for plant species using global species-specific elevational data - J. Dengler, S. Irl, J.-N. Nuppenau - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 27 – 2015-12-11 Robinia pseudoacacia stands in southern parts of Europe - M. Vítková - FINISHED [PDF]
- 26 – 2015-12-11 Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Europe – FGErobur - D. Krstonošić - FINISHED [PDF]
- 25 – 2015-12-01 Vegetation affinity of Juncus castaneus and Juncus triglumis - M. Hájek - FINISHED [PDF]
- 24 – 2015-10-13 Relationship between local abundance, regional co-occurence and rangewide niche characteristics in vascular plants - U. Jandt - FINISHED [PDF]
- 23 – 2015-09-21 Geographical distance versus within region differentiation in community assemblies – the example of Sphagnum rich habitats in Central Europe - F. Jansen - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 22 – 2015-09-10 Pattern of alpha and beta diversity in European mountains: a case study on high altitude vegetation - Z. Balová, J. Šibík, M. Havašová - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 21 – 2015-09-04 Ecological niches and spatial distribution of the two invasive Impatiens species (glandulifera, parviflora) and their native congener (noli-tangere) in Europe - J. Dengler - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 20 – 2015-07-30 Review of grassland habitats of the EUNIS habitats classification - S. Hennekens - FINISHED [PDF]
- 19 – 2015-07-29 Spatial variability of transition dune habitats at European scale. - S. Del Vecchio - FINISHED [PDF]
- 18 – 2015-04-27 Historic time-lags, non-equilibrium dynamics and spatiotemporal shifts in European plant communities - M. Steinbauer, J.-C. Svenning - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 17 – 2015-06-18 Numerical classification of the wet meadow vegetation in the Atlantic region of Western Europe - C. Levointurier-Vajda (replaced by P. Delbosc), M. Chytrý - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 16 – 2015-06-09 Estimation of Ellenberg Indicator Values for SE Europe from vegetation data - F. Attorre - WITHOUT ANSWER [PDF]
- 15 – 2015-04-28 Evolution of the genus Rhinanthus (Orobanchaceae) - V. Mossion - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 14 – 2015-03-08 Sedum hispanicum vegetation - P. Petřík - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 13 – 2015-03-04 Weed vegetation of Europe - U. Šilc - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 12 – 2015-03-03 Variability of mire vegetation on a European scale - M. Hájek, B. Jiménez-Alfaro - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 11 – 2014-12-16 Alpine grasslands in European mountains – comparison, delimitation and variability - J. Šibík, B. Jiménez-Alfaro - ON-GOING [PDF]
- 10 – 2014-11-12 Predicting plant demography across geographic ranges: what can we infer from correlative distribution models? - Ú. FitzPatrick - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 9 – 2014-10-22 Spring vegetation types of the Mecsek Mts. - J. Csiky - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 8 – 2014-10-13 Floristic classification of the European beech forests - W. Willner - FINISHED [PDF]
- 7 – 2014-09-15 Vegetation diversity and patterns of mesic grasslands (Arrhenatheretalia) in Europe - M. P. Rodríguez‐Rojo - FINISHED [PDF]
- 6 – 2014-07-28 Fine-scale species-richness patterns in European forest vegetation - M. Chytrý - FINISHED [PDF]
- 5 – 2014-07-28 Diversity and syntaxonomic revision of the European oak-hornbeam forests - M. Chytrý - FINISHED [PDF]
- 4 – 2014-07-18 European Red List of Habitats - J. Janssen - FINISHED [PDF]
- 3 – 2014-07-15 Integrating trait observations and macroecological data across Europe - F. Schrodt, J. Dengler - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 2 – 2014-07-14 Gap analysis of the distribution data on vascular plants throughout Europe on the example of two families, Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) and Caryophyllaceae - J. Šibík - CANCELLED [PDF]
- 1 – 2014-05-31 Large-scale assessment of alien plant invasions in European vegetation (InvasEVe) – Forests - M. Chytrý - FINISHED [PDF]
Pilot projects on diversity of European vegetation (started before the establishment of the EVA data request procedure)
- 2013 (EVA pilot project) WetVegEurope: formalized classification of European aquatic and marsh vegetation - F. Landucci, K. Šumberová - FINISHED [Details]
- 2013 (EVA pilot project) Formalized classification of Alnion incanae, Alnetea glutinosae and Salicetea purpureae in Europe - J. Douda - FINISHED [Details]
- 2012 (EVA pilot project) Braun-Blanquet project: parameterization of European vegetation types - B. Jiménez-Alfaro, M. Chytrý, S. Hennekens, I. Knollová - FINISHED [Details]
- 2012 (EVA pilot project) Ecological niche of sclerophyllous forest in southern and western Europe - E. Agrillo, B. Jiménez-Alfaro, F. Attorre - FINISHED [Details]
- 2012 (EVA pilot project) European gravel bar vegetation survey - V. Kalníková, M. Chytrý - FINISHED [Details]