
Join EVS on Facebook


2024–05–25 19th Eurasian Grassland Conference Bolzano, Italy, 26 Aug – 1 Sep 2024 See more »

2024–01–24 32nd EVS Conference, Madeira, 16-20 Sep 2024 - website open See more »

2023–10–17 New website of the Italian Society for Vegetation Science See more »

2023–06–02 The need for protection of the Svydovets Massif (Ukrainian Carpathians) See more »

2023–02–02 31st EVS Conference, Rome, Italy, 21-25 May 2023 - website and registration open See more »

2023–01–31 Documents Phytosociologiques, fourth series See more »

2022–12–22 Prof. Dr. Hartmut Dierschke (1937-2022) See more »

2022–11–29 31st EVS Conference, Rome, Italy, 21-25 May 2023 See more »

2022–04–25 Eurasian Grassland Conference - extended deadline See more »

2022–03–06 EVS Statement on the war in Ukraine See more »

2022–02–16 17th Eurasian Grassland Conference, Tolosa, Spain, 12-18 September 2022 See more »

2022–01–22 30th EVS Conference, Bratislava, 9-13 May 2022 See more »

2021–12–22 Asian Grassland Conference 2022 - registration open See more »

2021–06–01 New version of the EUNIS-ESy expert system published See more »

2021–03–31 Virtual Conference of the EVS, 6-7 Sep 2021 See more »

2020–12–23 International Symposium in honor of Salvador Rivas Martínez See more »

2020–10–07 EVA is starting the ReSurveyEurope Initiative See more »

2020–09–21 New Steering Committee of EVS elected See more »

2020–08–28 Prof. Salvador Rivas Martínez passed away See more »

2020–07–13 Special Collections "Classification of Palaearctic Grasslands" See more »

2020–06–02 EVS meeting in Rome postponed to spring 2021 See more »

2020–05–06 Start of Vegetation Classification and Survey (VCS), a new IAVS journal See more »

2020–04–21 17th Eurasian Grassland Conference in Spain IS POSTPONED to 2021 See more »

2020–03–26 JVS Special Feature "Macroecology of vegetation" See more »

2020–03–04 Eurasian Grassland Conference: registration is open See more »

2020–03–04 EVS meeting postponed to autumn See more »

2020–02–21 Vegetation Classification Survey - a new IAVS journal See more »

2020–01–27 39th meeting of the Eastern Alpine and Dinaric Society for Vegetation Ecology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 14-17 April 2021 See more »

2019–12–14 29th European Vegetation Survey Meeting, Rome, Italy, 4-7 May 2020, Website open! See more »

2019–12–11 14th EDGG Field Workshop: Ukrainian steppes along climatic gradients, 25 May - 3 June 2020 See more »

2019–12–11 17th Eurasian Grassland Conference, 7-13 September 2020, Tolosa, Spain See more »

2019–04–19 Atlantic biogeographical chalk grassland workshop, 18-20 Sep 2019, Rouen, France See more »

2019–03–15 Website of the EVS Madrid meeting open! See more »

2019–03–07 Eurasian Grassland Conference, 29 May-5 June 2019, Graz, Austria and Maribor, Slovenia See more »

2019–02–11 1st circular of the 28th EVS Meeting, Madrid, 2-6 September 2019 See more »

2018–11–27 IAVS Symposium Bremen, Germany, 14-19 July 2019 See more »

2018–11–16 Vegetation Database Workshop, Triesdorf, DE, 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2019 See more »

2018–08–16 EVS Meeting 2019 See more »

2018–06–26 The 2018 Annual Report of European Vegetation Survey published See more »

2018–06–23 Special Feature “Vegetation Science and Habitats Directive” See more »

2018–04–11 Publication of a report updating the French interpretation of 35 habitats of Community interest See more »

2018–03–17 Jornadas Internacionales de Fitosociología, Mexico, 21-24 November 2018 See more »

2018–03–16 New online database of Czech flora and vegetation See more »

2017–10–16 Officers of the European Vegetation Classification Committee (EVCC) have been elected See more »

2017–10–13 Next EVS meetings See more »

2017–08–22 Boris Mirkin died on 9 Aug 2017 See more »

2017–07–31 Virtual Special Issue on European grasslands published online See more »

2017–06–15 EVA Annual Report for 2017 published See more »

2017–03–31 EuroVegChecklist interactive online application See more »

2017–01–25 European Red List of Habitats published See more »

2016–12–05 EuroVegChecklist published! See more »

2016–06–01 New EVA Coordinating Board elected See more »

2016–05–26 Vegetation of the Czech Republic online See more »

2016–05–23 Proposed revision of the EUNIS habitats classification See more »

2016–04–09 New EVS Steering Committee See more »

EVA Database

ReSurveyEurope Databases

List of all databases download.
Code GIVD Name of Resurvey DB Country Detail
ATIT_0001 ATIT_GlacierSuccession AT, IT info
AT_0001 AT_Grassland_FE AT info
AT_0003 AT_Jaidhaus AT info
AT_0004 AT_Resurvey_HS AT info
AT_0005 AT_WeinViertel_Roetzer AT info
AT_0006 AT_Jamtalferner AT info
AT_0007 AT_DiseqAlp AT info
AT_0008 AT_Zoebelboden_LTER AT info
AT_0009 EU-AT-001 Austrian Vegetation Database AT info
AT_0011 AT_DonauAuen AT info
BE_0001 BE_Elsbroek BE info
BE_0002 EU-BE-002 INBOVEG BE info
BG_0001 BG_PonorMts BG info
CH_0001 EU-CH-001 Permanent.Plot.ch CH info
CH_0002 CH_ArableRes CH info
CH_0003 EU-CH-012 Alpine plots, Centre alpien de Phytogéographie I CH info
CH_0004 EU-CH-012 Alpine plots, Centre alpien de Phytogéographie II CH info
CH_0005 CH_JuraGrass CH info
CH_0006 CH_SchynigePlatteGrassExp CH info
CH_0007 CH_SNP_BrachRup CH info
CH_0008 CH_SwissNFI CH info
CH_0009 CH_UNIBEGrass CH info
CH_0010 CH_ZurichUrbanGrass CH info
CH_0011 CH_ZurichForests CH info
CH_0012 EU-CH-011 Monitoring Effectiveness of Habitat Conservation in Switzerland CH info
CH_0013 CH_MartisbergGrass CH info
CH_0014 CH_Zurich_Wollishofen_RoofGrass CH info
CH_0015 CH_Schwyz_fens CH info
CZ_0001 CZ1_WCarpatFens SK, PL info
CZ_0002 CZ2_Rybnicek_Jizerky CZ info
CZ_0003 CZ3_Rybnicek_Jeseniky + Czechia_NVD CZ info
CZ_0004 CZ4_Jemnice + Czechia_NVD CZ, AT info
CZ_0005 CZ5_Kozenek CZ info
CZ_0006 CZ6_Krivoklatsko CZ info
CZ_0008 CZ8_ZavisinGrass_FertExp CZ info
CZ_0009 CZ9_TrebonskoWetMead CZ info
CZ_0010 CZ10_ChomoutovWetMead CZ info
CZ_0011 CZ11_SWMoraviaAcidGrass CZ info
CZ_0012 CZ12_BenesovGrassExp CZ info
CZ_0013 CZ13_PodyjiClearingsExp CZ info
CZ_0014 CZ14_SumavaGrassExp CZ info
CZ_0015 CZ15_DevinDryGrass CZ info
CZ_0016 CZ16_ObranskaStran CZ info
CZ_0017 CZ17_Sokolov_PostMining CZ info
CZ_0018 CZ18_EVLBoletice CZ info
CZ_0019 EU-CZ-001 Czech National Phytosociological Database + CZ_CNFD_PublishedSources CZ info
CZ_0020 CZ20_Fevin CZ info
CZ_0021 CZ21_EVLSumava CZ info
CZ_0022 CZ22_Beskydyfoothills CZ info
CZ_0023 CZ23_NPPodyji CZ info
CZ_0024 CZ24_LowlandForests CZ, SK info
CZ_0025 CZ25_NPPodyji_litterraking CZ info
CZ_0026 CZ26_PrimevalForests CZ info
CZ_0027 CZ27_Ohrazeni CZ info
CZ_0028 CZ28_Milovice_LargeHerbiv CZ info
CZ_0029 CZ29_NPPodyji_ElephantRidge CZ info
DEPL_0001 DEPL_SalineGrass_BalticCoast DE,PL info
DE_0001 DE_AltgliezenGrasslands DE info
DE_0002 DE_BrandenburgDryGrass DE info
DE_0003 DE_CalamagrostisGrassExp DE info
DE_0004 DE_GrasslandsSaxony_LfULG DE info
DE_0005 DE_KalkMagerrasen_Suedniedersachsen DE info
DE_0006 DE_MiddleElbeValley_Lenzen DE info
DE_0007 DE_WS3_MeningerHolz DE info
DE_0008 DE_WS4_Totenberg DE info
DE_0009 DE_WS5_LimkerStrang DE info
DE_0010 DE_WS7_Hainholz DE info
DE_0011 DE_WS8_Adelsberg_Lutzelhardt DE info
DE_0012 DE_WS9_WS10_Gruenberg_Eselskopf DE info
DE_0013 DE_WS11_WS12_Rotenberghang_ Himbeerberg DE info
DE_0014 DE_WS13_Ochsenberg DE info
DE_0015 DE_WS14_WS15_Sandweg_KerpenerBruch DE info
DE_0016 DE_WS16_Ostenberg DE info
DE_0017 DE_WS17_SchiefeWand DE info
DE_0018 DE_WS18_UberangerMark DE info
DE_0019 DE_WS19_PfaelzerWald DE info
DE_0020 DE_WS20_WS21_EBGGottingen DE info
DE_0021 DE_WS25_GoettingerWald DE info
DE_0022 DE_WS26_HuenstollenBrache DE info
DE_0023 DE_WS34_Gebueck DE info
DE_0024 DE_AbandGrass_BadenWuerttemberg DE info
DE_0025 DE_BavUplandGrass DE info
DE_0026 Aqua_DE_BalticSea DE info
DE_0027 EU-DE-009 BioChangeMeadows DE info
DE_0028 EU-DE-027 BioChangeFields DE info
DE_0029 DE_CalcGrass_EastThuringia DE info
DE_0030 DE_BiosphereReserveRhoen DE info
DE_0031 DE_KricklGrass_SWGermany DE info
DE_0032 DE_Kyffhauser DE info
DE_0033 DE_Rivers_SGermany DE info
DE_0034 DE_Rivers_NGermany DE info
DE_0035 DE_BrandenburgKoelCor DE info
DE_0036 EU-DE-001  VegMV DE info
DE_0037 DE_0037_GermanyResurvey DE info
DE_0038 DE_RhineMainRiparianveg DE info
DE_0039 DE_GarchingerHeide DE info
DE_0040 DE_BuchenwaldKahlschlaege DE info
DE_0041 DE_Saaletal_GoatGrazingExp DE info
DE_0042 DE_Schlitz_TreeSeedling DE info
DE_0043 DE_HalleKyffhauserGrasslands DE info
DE_0044 DE_NasselHeide DE info
DE_0045 DE_SaxonSwitzerlandNP DE info
DK_0001 EU-DK-002 NATURDATA.DK resurvey DK info
DK_0002 DK_Rewildmols DK info
ES_0001 EU-00–011 Vegetation-Plot Database of the University of the Basque Country (BIOVEG) ES info
ES_0002 ES_ElTiemblo_Avila ES info
ES_0003 ES_Valdemaqueda ES info
ES_0004 ES_PyreneanMiresExp ES info
ES_0005 ES_OrdesaMontePerdidoNP ES info
ES_0006 ES_PicosdeEuropaNP ES info
ES_0007 ES_PyreneanSnowbeds ES info
FI_0001 FI_NorthOstrobothia FI info
ForestRePlot ForestRePlot info
FRCH_0001 FRCH_JuraSilverFirForests FR info
FR_0002 FR_UnivegE FR info
FR_0003 FR_ZAArmorique FR info
GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments info
HU_0001 HU_GreatHungarianPlain_grass HU info
HU_0002 HU_DravaRiverVeg HU info
HU_0003 HU_Fulophaza_OldFields HU info
HU_0004 HU_Fulophaza_SandyVeg HU info
HU_0005 HU_KiskunRestExp HU info
IT_0001 EU-IT-021 AMS-VegBank – Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna IT info
IT_0002 IT_ApeGrass IT info
IT_0003 IT_GranSasso_AlpineVeg IT info
IT_0004 EU-IT-022 Central Apennines-Italy-MIUR 2005 IT info
IT_0005 IT_Rome_GrassDunes IT info
IT_0006 IT_SperlePermPlots IT info
IT_0007 IT_VegVen IT info
IT_0008 IT_Alaternus IT info
IT_0009 EU-IT-020 RanVegDunes IT info
IT_0010 EU-IT-019 VIOLA IT info
IT_0011 EU-00–026 CircumMed Forest database IT info
IT_0012 IT_Aosta_Venosta_DryGrass IT info
LOTVS LOng-Term Vegetation Sampling info
LT_0001 EU-LT-001 Lithuanian vegetation Database LT info
LV_0001 LV_LatvianGrasslandRes LV info
NL_0001 NL_Heath NL info
NL_0002 NL_WrakelbergGrassExp NL info
NO_0001 NO_JanMayenIslandRes NO info
PL_0001 PL_AlderFor PL info
PL_0002 PL_BiedruskoMead PL info
PL_0003 PL_GiantMts_Grass PL info
PL_0004 PL_GiantMts_SubAlp PL info
PL_0005 PL_ITP_Grass PL info
PL_0006 PL_SolidagoMeadRestExp PL info
PL_0007 PL_SudetesForests PL info
PL_0008 PL_TPN_SPN PL info
PL_0009 EU-PL-004 VESTA - resurvey of natural, non-forest vegetation (Central Europe) PL info
PL_0010 PL_UplandGrass PL info
PL_0011 PL_DryGrassExp PL info
PT_0001 PT_Vasco PT info
RO_0001 RO_GrasslandsRes RO info
RS_0001 RS_SerbiaWeeds RS info
RU_0001 RU_Ugra_Grass RU info
RU_0002 EU-RU-014 Temperate Forests of European Russia RU info
RU_0003 EU-RU-002 Lower Volga Valley Phytosociological Database RU info
RU_0004 EU-RU-011 Vegetation Database of Tatarstan RU info
SE_0001 SE_OelandGrassExp NL info
SI_0001 SI_IMGEforests SI info
SI_0002 SI_ManFor SL info
SI_0003 EU-SI-001 Vegetation Database of Slovenia SI info
SI_0004 Aqua_SI_Bohinj SI info
TR_0001 00-TR-003 Non-Forest Vegetation Database of Turkey – NFVDT TR info
UA_0001 UA_Chernivtsi UA info
UK_0001 EU-GB-004 Floodplain­Meadows UK info
UK_0002 EU-GB-005 Scottish Coastal Survey UK info
UK_0003 EU-GB-006 Scottish Vegetation Resurvey UK info
UK_0004 UK_AinsdaleDunesExp UK info