EVA Publications
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Cao Pinna L.,Gallien L., Pollock L.J., Axmanová I., Chytrý M., Malavasi M., Acosta A.T.R., Campos J.A. & Carboni M. 2024. Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe, current hotspots and future scenarios. Ecography 2024: e07085. https://doi.org/…1/ecog.07085.
Fragnière Y., Champoud L., Küffer N., Braillard L., Jutzi M., Wohlgemuth T., & Kozlowski G. 2024. Cliff-edge forests: Xerothermic hotspots of local biodiversity and models for future climate change. Global Change Biology 30: e17196. https://doi.org/…11/gcb.17196
Glaser M., Dullinger S., Moser D., Wessely J., Chytrý M., Lososová Z., Axmanová I., Berg C., Bürger J., Buholzer S., Buldrini F., Chiarucci A., Follak S., Küzmič F., Meyer S., Pyšek P., Richner N., Šilc U., Steinkellner S., Wietzke A. & Essl F. 2024. Pronounced turnover of vascular plant species in Central European arable fields over 90 years. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 361: e108798. https://doi.org/….2023.108798
Midolo G., Axmanová I., Divíšek J., Dřevojan P., Lososová Z., Večeřa M., Karger D.N., Thuiller W., Bruelheide H., Aćić S., Attorre F., Biurrun I., Boch S., Bonari G., Čarni A., Chiarucci A., Ćušterevska R., Dengler J., Dziuba T., Garbolino E., Jandt U., Lenoir J., Marcenò C., Rūsiņa S., Šibík J., Škvorc Ž., Stančić Z., Stanišić-Vujačić M., Svenning J.-C., Swacha G., Vassilev K. & Chytrý M. 2024. Diversity and distribution of Raunkiær's life forms in European vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13229. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.13229
Brzić I., Brener M., Čarni A., Ćušterevska R., Čulig B., Dziuba T., Golub V., Irimia I., Jelaković B., Kavgacı A., Krstivojević Ćuk M., Krstonošić D., Stupar V., Trobonjača Z., Škvorc Ž. 2023. Different Ecological Niches of Poisonous Aristolochia clematitis in Central and Marginal Distribution Ranges – Another Contribution to a Better Understanding of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy. Plants, 12(17), 3022. https://doi.org/…ants12173022
Garcia Millan V., Bourlion N., Bastrup-Birk A., Roddier-Quefelec C., Touhami I., Martinoli A., Hani N. & Malak D.A. 2023. The use of new technologies and open data to better support the restoration and sustainable management of forests. In: FAO, MOAF, BTU, OGM & AIFM. 2023. Seventh Mediterranean Forest Week Proceedings – Antalya, Türkiye, 21–25 March 2022. Rome, Italy. https://doi.org/…060/cc6801en
Gebhardt S. 2023. Creation of a harmonized land cover map as an example for the entire region of the Geneva Air Pollution Convention. German Environment Agency, Germany. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/…er-map-as-an
Kalusová V., Chytrý M., Večeřa M., Svenning J.-C., Biurrun I., Kintrová K., Agrillo E., Carli E., Ecker K., Garbolino E., Šibíková M. & Axmanová I. 2023. Neophyte invasions in European heathlands and scrub. Biological Invasions 25. https://doi.org/…-023-03005-7
Kambach S., Sabatini F.M., Attorre F., Biurrun I., Boenisch G., Bonari G., Čarni A., Carranza M.L., Chiarucci A., Chytrý M., Dengler J., Garbolino E., Golub V., Güler B., Jandt U., Jansen J., Jašková A., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Karger D.N., Kattge J., Knollová I., Midolo G., Moeslund J.E., Pielech R., Rašomavičius V., Rūsiņa S., Šibík J., Stančić Z., Stanisci A., Svenning J.C., Yamalov S., Zimmermann N.E. & Bruelheide H. 2023. Climate-trait relationships exhibit strong habitat specificity in plant communities across Europe. Nature Communications 14, 712. https://doi.org/…-023-36240-6
Malanson G.P., Testolin R., Pansing E.R. & Jiménez-Alfaro B. 2023. Area, environmental heterogeneity, scale and the conservation of alpine diversity. Journal of Biogeography 50: 743– 754. https://doi.org/…11/jbi.14573
Malanson G., Pansing E., Testolin R. & Jiménez-Alfaro B. 2023. Simulations reveal climate and legacy effects underlying regional beta diversity in alpine vegetation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1053017. https://doi.org/…2023.1053017
Midolo G., Herben T., Axmanová I., Marcenò C., Pätsch R., Bruelheide H., Karger D. N., Aćić S., Bergamini A., Bergmeier E., Biurrun I., Bonari G., Čarni A., Chiarucci A., De Sanctis M., Demina O., Dengler J., Dziuba T., Fanelli G., Garbolino E., Giusso del Galdo G., Goral F., Güler B., Hinojos-Mendoza G., JansenF., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Lengyel A., Lenoir J., Pérez-Haase A., Pielech R., Prokhorov V., Rašomavičius V., Ruprecht E., Rūsiņa S., Šilc U., Škvorc Ž., Stančić Z., Tatarenko I. & Chytrý M. 2023. Disturbance indicator values for European plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 24– 34. https://doi.org/…11/geb.13603
Novák P., Willner W., Biurrun I., Gholizadeh H., Heinken T., Jandt U., Kollár J., Kozhevnikova M., Naqinezhad A., Onyshchenko V., Pielech R., Rašomavičius V., Shirokikh P., Vassilev K., Wohlgemuth T., Večeřa M. & Chytrý M. 2023. Classification of European oak–hornbeam forests and related vegetation types. Applied Vegetation Science 26: e12712. https://doi.org/…1/avsc.12712
Peterka T., Hájková P., Jiroušek M., Hinterlang D., Chytrý M., Aunina L., Deme J., Lyons M., Seiler H., Zechmeister H., Apostolova I., Beierkuhnlein C., Bischof M., Biţă-Nicolae C., Brancaleoni L., Ćušterevska R., Dengler J., Didukh Ya., Dítě D., Felbaba-Klushyna L., Garbolino E., Gerdol R., Iemelianova S., Jansen F., Juutinen R., Kamberović J., Kapfer J., Klímová B., Knollová I., Kolari T. H. M., Lazarević P., Luostarinen R., Mikulášková E., Milanović Đ., Miserere L., Moeslund J. E., Molina J. A., Pérez-Haase A., Petraglia A., Puglisi M., Ruprecht E., Šmerdová E., Spitale D., Tomaselli M., Vassilev K. & Hájek M. 2023. Formalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe: towards a consistent typology of spring vegetation. Preslia 95: 347–383. https://doi.org/…lia.2023.347
Puchałka R., Paź-Dyderska S., Dylewski Ł., Czortek P., Vítková M., Sádlo J., Klisz M., Koniakin S., Čarni A., Rašomavičius V., De Sanctis M. & Dyderski M.K. 2023. Forest herb species with similar European geographic ranges may respond differently to climate change. Science of The Total Environment 905: 167303. https://doi.org/….2023.167303
Tichý L., Axmanová I., Dengler J., Guarino R., Jansen F., Midolo G., Nobis M.P., Van Meerbeek K., Aćić S., Attorre F., Bergmeier E., Biurrun I., Bonari G., Bruelheide H., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Chiarucci A., Ćuk M., Ćušterevska R., Didukh Ya., Dítě D., Dítě Z., Dziuba T., Fanelli G., Fernández-Pascual E., Garbolino E., Gavilán R.G., Gégout J.C., Graf U., Güler B., Hájek M., Hennekens S.M., Jandt U., Jašková A., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Julve P., Kambach S., Karger S.N., Karrer G., Kavgacı A., Knollová I., Kuzemko A., Küzmič F., Landucci F., Lengyel A., Lenoir J., Marcenò C., Moeslund J. E., Novák P., Pérez-Haase A., Peterka T., Pielech R., Pignatti A., Rašomavičius V., Rūsiņa S., Saatkamp A., Šilc U., Škvorc Ž., Theurillat J.-P., Wohlgemuth T. & Chytrý M. 2023. Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species. Journal of Vegetation Science 34: e13168. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.13168
Bezsmertna O., Hleb R., Оrlov O., Vasheniak I., Podpriatov O., Kvakovska I., Danylyk I., Kamleitner K., Ragulina M., Babytskiy A., Rubanovska N. & Lysenko T. 2022. The genus Woodsia R. Br. in Ukraine (Woodsiaceae). – Thaiszia 32: 029–054. https://doi.org/…TJB2022-1-03
Bürger J., Küzmič F., Šilc U., Jansen F., Bergmeier E., Chytrý M., Cirujeda A., Fogliatto S., Fried G., Dostatny D.F., Gerowitt B., Glemnitz M., Gonzáles-Andújar J.L., Hernández Plaza E., Izquierdo J., Kolářová M., Lososová Z., Metcalfe H., Ņečajeva J., Petit S., Pinke G., Rašomavičius V., von Redwitz C., Schumacher M., Ulber L. & Vidotto F. 2022. Two sides of one medal: arable weed vegetation of Europe in phytosociological data compared to agronomical weed surveys. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12460. https://doi.org/…1/avsc.12460
Carnicero P., Wessely J., Moser D., Font X., Dullinger S. & Schönswetter P. 2022. Postglacial range expansion of high-elevation plants is restricted by dispersal ability and habitat specialization. Journal of Biogeography 49: 1739–1752. https://doi.org/…11/jbi.14390
Giulio S., Cao Pinna L., Carboni M., Marzialetti F., Acosta A.T.R., Garbolino E. & Jucker T. 2022. Invasion dynamics and potential future spread of sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias) across Australia’s coastal dunes. Journal of Biogeography 49: 378– 390. https://doi.org/…11/jbi.14308
Glaser M., Berg C., Buldrini F., Buholzer S., Bürger J., Chiarucci A., Chytrý M., Dřevojan P., Follak S., Küzmič F., Lososová Z., Meyer S., Moser D., Pyšek P., Richner N., Šilc U., Wietzke A., Dullinger S. & Essl F. 2022. AgriWeedClim database: A repository of vegetation plot data from Central European arable habitats over 100 years. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12675. https://doi.org/…1/avsc.12675
Hájek M., Těšitel J., Tahvanainen T., Peterka T., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Jansen F., Pérez-Haase A., Garbolino E., Carbognani M., Kolari T.H.M., Hájková P., Jandt U., Aunina L., Pawlikowski P., Ivchenko T., Tomaselli M., Tichý L., Dítě D., Plesková Z. & Mikulášková E. 2022. Rising temperature modulates pH niches of fen species. Global Change Biology 28: 1023– 1037. https://doi.org/…11/gcb.15980
Loidi J. & Marcenò C. 2022. The Temperate Deciduous Forest of the Northern Hemisphere (TDFNH). A review. Mediterranean Botany 43: e75527. https://doi.org/…9/mbot.75527
Malanson G.P., Pansing E.R., Testolin R., Abdulhak S., Bergamini A., Ćušterevska R., Marcenò C., Kuzmanović N., Milanović Đ, Ruprecht E., Šibík J., Vassilev K., Willner W. & Jiménez-Alfaro B. 2022. Explanation of beta biversity in European alpine grasslands changes with scale. Ecosphere 13: e4066. https://doi.org/…02/ecs2.4066
Zedek F., Veselý P., Tichý L., Elliott T., Garbolino E., de Ruffray P. & Bureš P. 2022. Holocentric plants are more competitive under higher UV-B doses. New Phytologist 233: 15–21. https://doi.org/…11/nph.17750
Axmanová I., Kalusová V., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Večeřa M., Attorre F., Biurrun I., Boch S., Conradi T., Gavilán R.G., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Knollová I., Kuzemko A., Lenoir J., Leostrin A., Medvecká J., Moeslund J.E., Obratov-Petkovic D., Svenning J.-C., Tsiripidis I., Vassilev K. & Chytrý M. 2021. Neophyte invasions in European grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12994. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.12994
Bonari G., Fernández‐González F., Çoban S., Monteiro‐Henriques T., Bergmeier E., Didukh Ya.P., Xystrakis F., Angiolini C., Chytrý K., Acosta A. T. R., Agrillo E., Costa J. C., Danihelka J., Hennekens S.M., Kavgacı A., Knollová I., Neto C. S., Sağlam C., Škvorc Ž., Tichý L. & Chytrý M. 2021. Classification of the Mediterranean lowland to submontane pine forest vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science 24: e12544. https://doi.org/…1/avsc.12544
Boonman C.C.F., Santini L., Robroek B.J.M., Hoeks S., Kelderman S., Dengler J., Bergamini A., Biurrun I., Carranza M.L., Cerabolini B.E.L., Chytrý M., Jandt U., Lysenko T., Stanisci A., Tatarenko I., Rusina S. & Huijbregts M.A.J. 2021. Plant functional and taxonomic diversity in European grasslands along climatic gradients. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13027. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.13027
Bruelheide H., Tichý L., Chytrý M. & Jansen F. 2021. Implementing the formal language of the vegetation classification expert systems (ESy) in the statistical computing environment R. Applied Vegetation Science 14: e12562. https://doi.org/…1/avsc.12562
Cao Pinna L., Axmanová I., Chytrý M,, Malavasi M., Acosta A.T.R., Giulio S., Attorre F., Bergmeier E., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Font X., Küzmič F., Landucci F., Marcenò C., Rodríguez-Rojo M.P. & Carboni M. 2021. The biogeography of alien plant invasions in the Mediterranean Basin. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12980. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.12980
de Jonge M.M., Benítez‐López A., Hennekens S., Santini L., Huijbregts M.A., & Schipper A.M. 2021. Conditional love? Co‐occurrence patterns of drought‐sensitive species in European grasslands are consistent with the stress‐gradient hypothesis. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(8): 1609–1620. https://doi.org/…11/geb.13323
Didukh Ya., Vasheniak I. & Chusova O. 2021. Stipo pulcherrimae-Festucetalia pallentis Pop 1968 of calcareous petrophytic steppes in Ukraine. Hacquetia 20: 303–325. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/…le/view/8832
Fristoe T.S., Chytrý M., Dawson W., Essl F., Heleno R., Kreft H., Maurel N., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Seebens H., Weigelt P., Vargas P., Yang Q., Attorre F., Bergmeier E., Bernhardt-Römermann M., Biurrun I., Boch S., Bonari G., Botta-Dukát Z., Bruun H.H., Byun C., Čarni A., Carranza M.L., Catford J.A., Cerabolini B.E.L., Chacón-Madrigal E., Ciccarelli D., Ćušterevska R., de Ronde I., Dengler J., Golub V., Haveman R., Hough-Snee N., Jandt U., Jansen F., Kuzemko A., Küzmič F., Lenoir J., Macanović A., Marcenò C., Martin A.R., Michaletz S.T., Mori A.S., Niinemets Ü., Peterka T., Pielech R., Rašomavičius V., Rūsiņa S., Dias A.S., Šibíková M., Šilc U., Stanisci A., Jansen S., Svenning J.-C., Swacha G., van der Plas F., Vassilev K. & van Kleunen M. 2021. Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe’s alien and native floras. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118(22): e2021173118. https://doi.org/…s.2021173118
Guarino R., Chytrý M., Attorre F., Landucci F. & Marcenò C. 2021. Alien plant invasions in Mediterranean habitats: an assessment for Sicily. Biological Invasions 23: 3091–3107. https://doi.org/…-021-02561-0
Hájek M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Hájek O., Brancaleoni L., Cantonati M., Carbognani M., Dedić A., Dítě D., Gerdol R., Hájková P., Horsáková V., Jansen F., Kamberović J., Kapfer J., Kolari T.H.M., Lamentowicz M., Lazarević P., Mašić E., Moeslund J.E., Pérez-Haase A., Peterka T., Petraglia A., Pladevall-Izard E., Plesková Z., Segadelli S., Semeniuk Y., Singh P., Šímová A., Šmerdová E., Tahvanainen T., Tomaselli M., Vystavna Y., Biţă-Nicolae C., & Horsák M. 2021. A European map of groundwater pH and calcium. Earth System Science Data 13: 1089–1105. https://doi.org/…13-1089-2021
Janssen J.A.M., Bijlsma R.J. & van Delft B. 2021. Kruipend moerasscherm (Helosciadium repens) in Zeeland; ecologie en beheer van een Europees beschermde plantensoort. Report 3064, Wageningen Environmental Research, Wageningen. https://doi.org/10.18174/541541
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Abdulhak S., Attorre F., Bergamini A., Carranza M.L., Chiarucci A., Ćušterevska R., Dullinger S., Gavilán R. G., Giusso del Galdo G., Kuzmanović N., Laiolo P., Loidi J., Malanson G.P., Marcenò C., Milanović D., Pansing E. R., Roces-Díaz J. V., Ruprecht E., Šibik J., Stanisci A., Testolin R., Theurillat J.-P., Vassilev K., Willner W. & Winkler M. 2021. Post-glacial determinants of regional species pools in alpine grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 1101–1115. https://doi.org/…11/geb.13274
Kalníková V., Chytrý K., Biţa-Nicolae C., Bracco F., Font X., Iakushenko D., Kącki Z., Kudrnovsky H., Landucci F., Lustyk P., Milanović Đ., Šibík J., Šilc U., Uziębło A. K., Villani M. & Chytrý M. 2021. Vegetation of the European mountain river gravel bars: a formalized classification. Applied Vegetation Science 24: e12542. https://doi.org/…1/avsc.12542
Klisz M., Puchałka R., Netsvetov M., Prokopuk Y., Vítková M., Sádlo J., Matisons R., Mionskowski M., Chakraborty D., Olszewski P., Wojda T. & Koprowski M. 2021. Variability in climate-growth reaction of Robinia pseudoacacia in Eastern Europe indicates potential for acclimatisation to future climate. Forest Ecology and Management 492: 119194. https://doi.org/….2021.119194
Kreyling J., Tanneberger F., Jansen F., van der Linden S., Aggenbach C., Blüml V., Couwenberg J., Emsens W.-J., Joosten H., Klimkowska A., Kotowski W., Kozub L., Lenartz B., Liczner Y., Liu H., Michaelis D., Oehmke C., Parakenings K., Pleyl E., Poyda A., Raabe S., Röhl M., Rücker K., Schneider A., Schrautzer J., Schröder C., Schug F., Seeber E., Thiel F., Thiele S., Tiemeyer B., Timmermann T., Urich T., van Diggelen R., Vegelin K., Verbruggen E., Wilmking M., Wrage-Mönnig N., Wołejko L., Zak D. & Jurasinski G. 2021. Rewetting does not return drained fen peatlands to their old selves. Nature Communicatons 12: e5693. https://www.nature.com/…-021-25619-y.
Loidi J., Chytrý M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Alessi N., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Fernández-Pascual E., Font Castell X., Gholizadeh H., Indreica A., Kavgacı A., Knollová I., Naqinezhad A., Novák P., Nowak A., Škvorc Ž., Tsiripidis I., Vassilev K. & Marcenò C. Life-form diversity across temperate deciduous forests of Western Eurasia: A different story in the understory. Journal of Biogeography 48: 2932–2945. https://doi.org/…11/jbi.14254
Marcenò C., Padullés Cubino J., Chytrý M., Genduso E., Gristina A.S., La Rosa A., Salemi D., Landucci F., Pasta S. & Guarino R. 2021. Plant hunting: exploring the behaviour of amateur botanists in the field. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 3265–3278. https://doi.org/…-021-02248-x
Marcenò C., Padullés Cubino J., Chytrý M., Genduso E., Salemi D., La Rosa A., Gristina A.S., Agrillo E., Bonari G., Giusso del Galdo G., Ilardi V., Landucci F. & Guarino R. 2021. Facebook groups as citizen science tools for plant species monitoring. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 2018–2028. https://doi.org/…5-2664.13896
Padullés Cubino J., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Sabatini F.M., Willner W., Lososová Z., Biurrun I., Brunet J., Campos J.A., Indreica A., Jansen F., Lenoir J., Škvorc Ž., Vassilev K. & Chytrý M. 2021a. Plant taxonomic and phylogenetic turnovers increase towards climatic extremes and depend on historical factors in European beech forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12977. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.12977
Padullés Cubino J., Lososová Z., Bonari G., Agrillo E., Attorre F., Bergmeier E., Biurrun I., Campos J. A., Čarni A., Ćuk M., De Sanctis M., Indreica A., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Khanina L., Knollová I., Lenoir J., Pielech R., Rašomavičius V., Škvorc Ž., Svenning J.-C., Vassilev K., Willner W. & Chytrý M. 2021b. Phylogenetic structure of European forest vegetation. Journal of Biogeography 48: 903–916. https://doi.org/…11/jbi.14046
Pouteau R., Biurrun I., Brunel C., Chytrý M., Dawson W., Essl F., Fristoe T., Haveman R., Hobohm C., Jansen F., Kreft H., Lenoir J., Lenzner B., Meyer C., Moeslund J.E., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Svenning J.-C., Thuiller W., Weigelt P., Wohlgemuth T., Yang Q., van Kleunen M.2021. Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species. Diversity and Distributions 27: 2063–2076. https://doi.org/…11/ddi.13378 – Data: https://doi.org/…ad.qv9s4mwf3
Pouteau R., Thuiller W., Hobohm C., Brunel C., Conn B.J., Dawson W., de Sá Dechoum M., Ebel A.L., Essl F., Fragman-Sapir O., Fristoe T., Jogan N., Kreft H., Lenzner B., Meyer C., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Verkhozina A., Weigelt P., Yang Q., Zykova E., Aćić S., Agrillo E., Attorre F., Bergamini A., Berg C., Bergmeier E., Biurrun I., Boch S., Bonari G., Botta-Dukát Z., Bruelheide H., Campos J. A., Čarni A., Casella L., Carranza M.L., Chytrý M., Ćušterevska R., De Sanctis M., Dengler J., Dimopoulos P., Ejrnæs R., Ewald J., Fanelli G., Fernández-González F., Gavilán R.G., Gegout J.-C., Haveman R., Isermann M., Jandt U., Jansen F., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kavgacı A., Khanina L., Knollová I., Kuzemko A., Lebedeva M., Lenoir J., Lysenko T., Marcenò C., Martynenko V., Moeslund J.E., Pätsch R., Pielech R., Rašomavičius V., de Ronde I., Ruprecht E., Rūsiņa S., Shirokikh P., Šibík J., Šilc U., Stanisci A., Stančić Z., Svenning J.-C., Swacha G., Turtureanu P.D., Valachovič M., Vassilev K., Yamalov S. & van Kleunen M. 2021. Climate and socio-economic factors explain differences between observed and expected naturalization patterns of European plants around the world. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 1514–1531. https://doi.org/…11/geb.13316
Sporbert M., Welk E., Seidler G., Jandt U., Aćić S., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Cerabolini B.E.L., Chytrý M., Ćušterevska R., Dengler J., De Sanctis M., Dziuba T., Fagúndez J., Field R., Golub V., He T., Jansen F., Lenoir J., Marcenò C., Martín-Forés I., Moeslund J.E., Moretti M., Niinemets Ü., Penuelas J., Pérez-Haase A., Vandvik V., Vassilev K., Vynokurov D. & Bruelheide H. 2021. Different sets of traits explain abundance and distribution patterns of European plants at different spatial scales. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13016. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.13016
Van Daele F., Honnay O. & De Kort H. 2021. The role of dispersal limitation and reforestation in shaping the distributional shift of a forest herb under climate change. Diversity and Distributions. 27: 1775– 1791. https://doi.org/…11/ddi.13367
Večeřa M., Axmanová I., Padullés Cubino J., Lososová Z., Divíšek J., Knollová I., Aćić S., Biurrun I., Boch S., Bonari G., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Carranza M.L., Casella L., Chiarucci A., Ćušterevska R., Delbosc P., Dengler J., Fernández-González F., Gégout J.-C., Jandt U., Jansen F., Jašková A., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kuzemko A., Lebedeva M., Lenoir J., Lysenko T., Moeslund J.E., Pielech R., Ruprecht E., Šibík J., Šilc U., Škvorc Ž., Swacha G., Tatarenko I., Vassilev K., Wohlgemuth T., Yamalov S. & Chytrý M. 2021. Mapping species richness of plant families in European vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13035. https://doi.org/…11/jvs.13035 – Data: https://doi.org/…nodo.4688660
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Schaminée J.H.J., Chytrý M., Hennekens S.M., Janssen J.A.M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Knollová I., Mucina L., Rodwell J.S., Tichý L. & data-providers. 2014. Vegetation analysis and distribution maps for EUNIS habitats. Report EEA/NSV/14/006. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen. – http://www.sci.muni.cz/…st-Scrub.pdf
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Schaminée J.H.J., Chytrý M., Hennekens S.M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Mucina L., Rodwell J.S. & data contributors. 2013. Review of EUNIS forest habitat classification. Report EEA/NSV/13/005. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen. – http://www.sci.muni.cz/…-Forests.pdf
Fristoe T., van Kleunen M., Chytrý M., Dawson W., Essl F., Kreft H., Pergl J., Pysek P., Weigelt P., & Winter M. 2024. Alien species and the shape of commonness and rarity in the European flora. 11th Biennial Conference of IBS . 7–11 January 2024, Prague. Czech Republic.
Fahs N., Axmanová I., Svenning J.-C., Padullés Cubino J., Biurrun I., Boch S., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Dengler J., Garbolino E., Heinken T., Knotková K. & Těšitel J. 2023. Ecological niches of parasitic plants in Europe. BES Annual Meeting 2023, 12–15 December 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Fahs N., Axmanová I., Těšitelová T. Těšitel J. & EVA-data contributors 2023. Exploring the ecological niches of nitrogen-fixing plants in Europe. 65th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 3–8 September 2023, Coffs Harbour, Australia.
Iemelianova S., Chytrý M. & data contributors 2023. AveWetlands – a new project to assess the annual vegetation diversity of European wetlands. 18th Eurasian Grassland Conference. 25–28 September 2023. Szarvas, Hungary.
Kuzemko A., Chytrý M. & data contributors 2023. “Good” and “problematic” alliances of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class in the European context. 31st Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 21–25 May 2023, Rome, Italy.
Šibík J., Žemlová S., Bachs E.I., Virtanen R., Šíbiková M. & Data Contributors 2023. Snowbed vegetation of Europe. 31st Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 21–25 May 2023, Rome, Italy.
Sperandii M.G., Knollová I., Essl F., Bruelheide H., Axmanová I., Barták V., Lososová Z., ReSurveyEurope data contributors & Chytrý M. 2023VegTrends: assessing long-term trends in European vegetation and evaluating protected areas effectiveness. 65th IAVS annual symposium, 3–8 September 2023, Coffs Harbour, Australia.
Sperandii M.G., Knollová I., Essl F., Bruelheide H., ReSurveyEurope data contributors & Chytrý M. 2023 Introducing VegTrends: an EU-funded project to assess long-term trends in European vegetation and evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas. 31st Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 21–25 May 2023, Rome, Italy.
Sperandii M.G., the ReSurveyEurope Contributors & Chytrý M. 2023. Introducing VegTrends – an EU-funded project to assess long-term trends in European vegetation and evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas. 1st ECR conference on Conservation Biology “Challenging conservation – adattarsi al cambiamento". 19–21 March 2023, Rome, Italy.
Sumbh O., Hellegers M. & Schipper A. 2023. Developing and evaluating a species-level model of wetland plant biodiversity in Europe. Power to the Peatlands 2023. 19–21 September 2023, Antwerp, Belgium.
Vasheniak I., Chytrý M. Didukh Ya. & data contributors 2023. Alysso-Sedetalia order communities in the Carpathian-Pannonian region, western Ukraine, and Moldova. 31st Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 21–25 May 2023, Rome, Italy.
Vítková M., Sádlo J. , Roleček J., Šibíková M., Puchałka R., Budzhak V., Csecserits A., Csiky J., Dziuba T., Essl F., Glaser M., Medvecká J., Nazarov M., Rédei T., Sitzia T., Slabejová D., Vassilev K., Pyšek P. & Jarolímek I. 2023. European synthesis of alien Robinia pseudoacacia-dominated vegetation types. 16th EMAPI conference, 23–25 October 2023, Pucón, Chille.
Axmanová I., Večeřa M., Divíšek J., Pyšek P., Kalusová V., EVA data contributors & Chytrý M. 2022. Geographical patterns of neophyte invasions in European vegetation. 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 9–13 May 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Bonari G., Fernández-Gonzáles F., Ciaramella D., Çoban S., Chytrý K., Bergmeier E., Bricca A., Čarni A., Ćuk M., De Sanctis M., Didukh Ya., Fanelli G., Font X., Garbolino E., Goia I., Hennekens S., Hoda P., Jandt U., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kavgacı A., Knollová I., Kuzemko A., Loidi X, Milanovic Đ., Novaković-Vuković M., Selvaggi A., Šibíková M., Šilc U., Stanišić-Vujačić M., Vassilev K., Willner W., Xystrakis F., Škvorc Ž., Stupar V., Turtureanu P.D., Tzonev R., Zerbe S. & Chytrý M. 2022. Classification and ecology of Pinus nigra forest vegetation. 64th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 27 June – 1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain.
Bonari G., Fernández-Gonzáles F., Ciaramella D., Çoban S., Chytrý K., Bergmeier E., Bricca A., Čarni A., Ćuk M., De Sanctis M., Didukh Ya., Fanelli G., Font X., Garbolino E., Goia I., Hennekens S., Hoda P., Jandt U., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Kavgacı A., Knollová I., Kuzemko A., Loidi X, Milanovic Đ., Novaković-Vuković M., Selvaggi A., Šibíková M., Šilc U., Stanišić-Vujačić M., Vassilev K., Willner W., Xystrakis F., Škvorc Ž., Stupar V., Turtureanu P.D., Tzonev R., Zerbe S. & Chytrý M. 2022. Towards a syntaxonomic revision of Pinus nigra forest vegetation. 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 9–13 May 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Carnicero P. 2022. Del Pirineo a las Dolomitas: refugios glaciales y procesos evolutivos en flora de alta montaña. 3rd Anual Simposium of the Spanish society of Botanists (SEBOT). 25–26 November 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Erkelenz J.A. 2022. Patterns and drivers of functional diversity on an oceanic island. 64th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 27 June – 1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain.
Fahs N., Zacharias D., Wittig B. and colleagues 2022. Observation of a longtime unobserved positive establishment of European Habitat Type 6510-grasslands in North-Western Germany. 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 9–13 May 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Fahs. N., Axmanová I., Těšitelová T., Těšitel J. & EVA-data contributors. 2022. Ecological niches of nitrogen-fixers and parasitic plants in Europe. 64th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 27 June – 1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain.
García Millán V., Abdul Malak D., Schröder C., Barba-González C., Burgueño A., Aldana-Martín J. F., Vázquez-Pendón M. & Navas-Delgado I. 2022. Supporting forest conservation and restoration policies – A Mediterranean forest types map. Living Planet Symposium (lps22), 23–27 May 2022, Bonn, Germany. Zenodo. https://doi.org/…nodo.6624237
García Millán V., Barba-González C., Burgueño A., Aldana-Martín J. F., Vázquez-Pendón M., Antequera M. L., Marín A. I., Sánchez-Espinosa A., Schröder C., Navas-Delgado I., Abdul Malak D. & Bastrup-Birk A.M. 2022. A Mediterranean forest types' map – based on dominant species. ForestSAT 2022, 29 August – 3 September, Berlin, Germany. Zenodo. https://doi.org/…nodo.7054338
Jones A., Pollock L. & Leung B. 2022. Parsing patterns of sampling biases and α-diversity across Europe using corrected SDMs of >10,000 plant species. ESA 2022 Annual Meeting. 14–19 August 2022, Montréal, Qc, Canada.
Kalusová V., Axmanová I., Chytrý M., Večeřa M., Agrillo E., Biurrun I., Berg C., Carli E., Ecker K., Garbolino E., Svenning J.-S., Šibiková M. & Šilc U. 2022. Levels of invasion in European dwarf shrub and scrub vegetation. 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 9–13 May 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Kuzemko A., Rodríguez Rojo M. P., Chytrý M. & data contributors 2022. Preliminary results of the syntaxonomic revision of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea in the European context. 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 9–13 May 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Peterka T., Hájková P., Hájek M. & coauthors 2022. Towards the vegetation synthesis of Montio-Cardaminetea. 30th Conference of the European Vegetation Survey. 9–13 May 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Pittet L., Wagner N., Marinček P. & Hörandl E. 2022. Morphological and Genetic Inconsistency Reveals Complex History and Evolution in the Hybrid Zone of Alpine Willow Species Pair (Salix L.). Botanik-Tagung, 28th International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences. 28 August – 1 September 2022, Bonn, Germany.
Tavilla G., Brullo S., Tomaselli V., Cambria S., Škvorc Ž., Güler B., Minissale P., Giusso del Galdo G. & Sciandrello S. 2022. Overview of the Salicornietea fruticosae class in the central Mediterranean area. 64th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 27 June – 1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain.
Vynokurov D., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Loidi J., Aćić S., Argagnon O., Attorre F., Bonari G., Carranza M.L., Chytrý M., Ćušterevska R., De Sanctis M., Dengler J., Fanelli G., Font X., Garbolino E., Güler B., Stančić Z., Stanisci A., Škvorc Ž. & García-Mijangos I. 2022. Calcareous perennial dry grasslands and scrub of Southern Europe: syntaxonomical delimitation. 17th Eurasian Grassland Conference. 12–18 September 2022. Tolosa, Spain.
Vynokurov D., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Loidi J., Aćić S., Argagnon O., Attorre F., Bonari G., Carranza M.L., Chytrý M., Ćušterevska R., De Sanctis M., Dengler J., Fanelli G., Font X., Garbolino E., Güler B., Stančić Z., Stanisci A., Škvorc Ž. & García-Mijangos I. 2022. Syntaxonomical delimitation of calcareous perennial dry grasslands and scrub of Southern Europe. 64th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 27 June – 1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain.
Zannini P., Di Musciano M., Santovito D., Jansen F., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Testolin R., Alessi N., Gatti R.C., Rocchini D., Sabatini F., EVA Partners & Chiarucci A. 2022. Measuring the effectiveness of Natura 2000 network in conserving plant diversity. 64th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 27 June – 1 July 2022, Madrid, Spain.
Carnicero P. & Dullinger S. 2021. Same glaciers, same bedrock, different responses: comparative phylogeography of three endemic mountain plants in the Pyrenees. Virtual Evolution Meeting. June 2021.
Carnicero P., Dullinger S & Schönswetter P. 2021. Same glaciers, same bedrock, different responses: comparative phylogeography of three endemic mountain plants in the Pyrenees. 19th Virtual Österreichische Botanik-Tagung. 23–25 September 2021.
Fanelli G., Martella F., Alfò M., Attorre F., Malatesta L., Cambria V. & De Sanctis M. 2021. A survey of the Mediterranean broadleaved evergreen forests at the European scale. 29th Virtual Meeting of EVS. 6–7 September 2021.
Jašková A. 2021. The dilemma of parallel understories under different canopies in Boreal forests. 29th Virtual Meeting of EVS. 6–7 September 2021.
Jones A.G.J., Leung B. & Pollock L. 2021. Integrative species distribution models for the European Flora. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Virtual Annual Meeting. 15–20 August 2021. Vancouver, BC.
Landucci F., Šumberová K., Sinkevičienė Z., Bita-Nicolae C., Čarni A, Golub V., Hájek M., Hájková P., Hrivnák R., Iemelianova S., Jansen F., Kącki Z., Lájer K., Molina J.A., Oosterlynck P., Papastergiadou E., Šilc U., Stančić Z, Teteryuk B., Tzonev R., Venanzoni R., Theurillat J.-P. & Chytrý M. 2021. The muddy journey continues… Further developments of the project WetVegEurope. 29th Virtual Meeting of EVS. 6–7 September 2021.
Marcenò C. 2021. Wild edible plants of Europe: the WEPE project. 63rd IAVS Virtual Symposium: Vegetation goes virtual. 20–23 September 2021.
Axmanová I., Kalusová V., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Pergl J., Pyšek P & data contributors 2019. Neofyty v travinné vegetaci Evropy (Neophytes in European grasslands), Conference of the Czech Botanical Society. 30 November – 1 December 2019. Prague, Czech Republic. (in Czech)
Axmanová I., Kalusová V., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Pergl J., Pyšek P, Attorre F., Biurrun I., Boch S., Conradi T., Gavilán García T., Hennekens S.M., Jiménez‐Alfaro B., Knollová I., Kuzemko A., Lenoir J., Medvecká J., Moeslund J.E., Svenning J.‐C., Tsiripidis I. & Vassilev K. 2019. Levels of alien plant invasions in European grasslands. 15th EMAPi conference. 9–13 September 2019. Prague, Czech Republic.
Ćuk M., Botta-Dukát Z., Chytrý M., Csecserits A., Franjič J., Igić R., Ilić M., Janišova M., Kuzemko A., Rédei T., Škvorc Ž., Tzonev R., Vukov D., Willner W. & Čarni A. 2019. Synthetic overview of sandy vegetation of the Pannonian and western Pontic region. 28th Meeting of EVS. 2–6 September 2019. Madrid, Spain
De Jonge M., Benítez-López A., Hennekens S., Huijbregts M., Santini L. & Schipper A. 2019. Conditional love? Investigating interactions shifts along continental-scale water availability gradients. 9th Biennial Conference of IBS. 8–12 January. Málaga, Spain.
Delbosc P., Bonis A., Bouzillé J.-B., Levointurier-Vajda C., Chytrý M., Palpurina S., Rodriguez-Rojo M-P., Rapinel S., Biurrun I., Brisse H., Bruelheide H., Campos J-A., De Bie E., Dengler J., de Ruffray P., Ejrnæs R., Erenskjold Moeslund J., Ewald J., Fernández-González F., FitzPatrick U., Font X., García-Mijangos I., Hennekens S.; Jansen F., Janssen J., Jandt U., Knollová I., Kozub L., Landucci L., Lenoir J., Pérez-Haase A., Peterka T., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J., Svenning J.C. & Weekes L. 2019. Classification of wet grassland of European Atlantic. 28th Meeting of EVS. 2–6 September 2019. Madrid, Spain.
Divíšek J., Axmanová I., Chytrý M., Lososová Z. & Večeřa M. 2019. Phylogenetic diversity in grassland communities across Europe. 9th Biennial Conference of IBS. 8–12 January. Málaga, Spain.
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Abdulhak S., Bergamini A., Carranza M.L., Ćušterevska R., Font X., Giusso del Galdo G., Kuzmanović N., Marcenó C., Milanović D., Ruprecht E., Sibik J., Stanisci A., Vassilev K., Willner W. & ALPVEG Consortium 2019. Biogeography of alpine plant communities in southern Europe. 28th Meeting of EVS. 2–6 September 2019. Madrid, Spain.
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Abdulhak S., Bergamini A., Carranza M.L., Ćušterevska R., Font X., Giusso del Galdo G., Kuzmanović N., Marcenó C., Milanović D., Ruprecht E., Sibik J., Stanisci A., Vassilev K., Willner W. & ALPVEG Consortium 2019 The diversity of European alpine vegetation. 62nd IAVS Symposium. 14–19 July 2019. Bremen, Germany.
Küzmič F., Šilc U., Lososová Z. & Mucina L. 2019. Classification of the European annual weed vegetation. 62nd IAVS Symposium. 14–19 July 2019. Bremen, Germany.
Küzmič F., Šilc U., Lososová Z., Mucina L & data contributors 2019. European annual weed vegetation: first results of numerical classifications. 28th Meeting of EVS. 2–6 September 2019. Madrid, Spain.
Loidi J., Marcenò C., Campos J.A., Chytrý M., Gholizadeh H., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Knollová I., Naqinezhad A., Novák P., Nowak A., Petřík P. & data contributors 2019. The temperate deciduous forests of Europe and western Asia: a survey on their biogeography and diversity. 28th Meeting of EVS. 2–6 September 2019. Madrid, Spain.
Lososová Z., Axmanová I., Čeplová N., Chytrý M., Divíšek J., Ndiribe C. & Večeřa M. 2019.Phylogenetic and functional diversity patterns: New insights from European grasslands. 62nd IAVS Symposium. 14–19 July 2019. Bremen, Germany.
Novák P. & data contributors 2019. Oak-hornbeam forests from the European perspective – Currently recognized alliances, a faithful mirror of their floristic variability. 28th Meeting of EVS. 2–6 September 2019. Madrid, Spain.
Schwager P., Wallentin G. & Berg C. 2019.Remotely sensed temperature predictors for Habitat Suitability Models. 22nd ISEM Global conference. 1–5 October 2019. Salzburg, Austria.
Sporbert M., Keil P., Jandt U., Bruelheide H. & Welk E. 2019. Linking local abundance to broad-scale distribution of European plants. 62nd IAVS Symposium. 14–19 July 2019. Bremen, Germany.
Večeřa M., Steinbauer M., Lewis R.J., Svenning J.-C., Chytrý M., Dengler J., Divíšek J., Axmanová I., Lososová Z., Bruelheide H., Bruun H.H., Jandt U., Janišová M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Knollová I., Lenoir J., Moeslund J.E., Pärtel M. & data contributors. 2019. Filtering processes in European grassland plant communities (un)revealed through functional traits and dark diversity. 9th Biennial Conference of IBS. 8–12 January. Málaga, Spain.
Axmanová I., Chytrý M. , Dengler J., Pergl J., Pyšek P. & EVA data contributors. 2018. Large-scale assessment of alien plant invasions in European grasslands. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Bonari G., Knollová I., Vlčková P., Sağlam C., Xystrakis F., Chytrý M. & data contributors. 2018. European pine forest: preliminary results from the CircumMed+Euro PineForest project. 61th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 22–27 July 2018. Bozeman, Montana (USA).
Bonari G., Knollová I., Vlčková P., Sağlam C., Xystrakis F., Chytrý M. & data contributors. 2018. Towards a new electronic archive for European pine forest: CircumMed+Euro Pine Forest database. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Ćuk M., Botta-Dukát Z., Chytrý M., Igić R., Ilić M., Janišova M., Kuzemko A., Rédei T., Škvorc Ž.,Vukov D., Willner W. & Čarni A.. 2018. Pontic-Pannonian Sand Vegetation – Synthetic overview. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress. 10–14 September 2018. Novi Sad, Serbia.
De Jonge M. et al. 2018. Investigating plant interaction shifts along a continental-scale water availability gradient. BES Marcro-ecology meeting. 9.7.2018. St Andrews, Scotland.
Jiménez-Alfaro B. 2018. Data gap analysis for European alpine vegetation. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Kalníková V., Chytrý M & data contributors. 2018. Formalized classification of the montane and alpine European gravel bar vegetation. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Krstonošić D., Čarni A., Škvorc Ž., Franjić J., Temunović M., Sever K., Bogdan S. & Katičić Bogdan I. 2018. Floristic and ecological characteristics of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) forests in Europe. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Küzmič F., Šilc U., Lososová Z. & Mucina L. 2018. Weed vegetation of Europe. 2nd Biosfera – konferenca študentov bioloških znanosti. 21st September 2018. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Küzmič F., Šilc U., Lososová Z., Mucina L. & numerous data contributors. 2018. An overview of the European annual weed vegetation. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Marcenò C., Biurrun I., Campos J.A., Chytrý M., García-Mijangos I., FitzPatrick U., Herrera M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H.J., Tichý L. & Loidi J. 2018. Classifying European heathlands of the class Calluno-Ulicetea: data set selection and procedures for a broad-scale classification. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Novák P. & data contributors. 2018. Syntaxonomy of oak-hornbeam forests of Central Europe: new insights into old problems. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Pyykönen A. 2018. A large vegetation-plot database for research and conservation of boreal forest diversity in Europe. IBFRA conference. 17–20 September 2018. Laxenburg, Austria.
Sporbert M., Welk E., Jandt U. & Bruelheide H. 2018. Inter-Relationships Between Species Biotic, Climatic And Geographic Niche Properties. 17th workshop of the German working group on vegetation databases. 14–16 March 2018, Jena, Germany.
Sporbert M., Welk E., Jandt U. & Bruelheide H. 2018. Inter-Relationships Between Species Biotic, Climatic And Geographic Niche Properties. Annual Meeting of the Specialist Group for Macroecology of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 10–13 April 2018, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
Wagner V., Chytrý M., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Pergl J., Hennekens S., Biurrun I., Knollová I., Berg C., Vassilev K., Rodwell J. S., Škvorc Ž., Jandt U., Ewald J., Jansen F., Tsiripidis I., Botta-Dukát Z., Casella L., Attorre F., Rašomavičius V., Ćušterevska R., Schaminée J.H.J., Brunet J., Lenoir J., Svenning J.-C., Kaçki Z., Petrášová-Šibíková M., Šilc U., García-Mijangos I., Campos J. A., Fernández-González F., Wohlgemuth T., Onyshchenko V., Pyšek P. & data contributors. 2018. Alien plant invasions in European woodlands. 61th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 22–27 July 2018. Bozeman, Montana (USA).
Zukal D., Chytrý M. & data contributors. 2018. Diversity of Central European scree and ravine forests. 27th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. 23–26 May 2018. Wrocław, Poland.
Hennekens S.M. 2017. The “Umbrella Effect” of the Natura 2000 network. 16th workshop on „Vegetation Databases and Natura 2000“. 8–10 March 2017, Freiburg, Germany.
Kozhevnikova M. & Prokhorov V. 2017. Spatial model of potential distribution of Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Klika 1933 communities within forest-steppe zone of the Eastern Europe. 60th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 20–24 June 2017. Palermo, Italy.
Krstonošić D. 2017. Florističke i ekološke značajke šuma hrasta lužnjaka na području Europe. 36th Simpoziju Istočnoalpsko-dinarskog društva za istraživanje vegetacije. Prizren, Kosovo.
Sporbert M., Welk E., Jandt U. & Bruelheide H. 2017. The relationship between macroclimatic niche volume, regional niche width and local species abundance. Joint Annual Meeting of the BES, GfÖ, NecoV and EEF. 11–14 December 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Sporbert M., Welk E., Jandt U. & Bruelheide H. 2017. The relationship between macroclimatic niche volume, regional niche width and local species abundance. iDiv Annual Conference 2017, 19–20 Semptember 2017, Leipzig, Germany.
Večeřa M., Chytrý M., Divíšek J., Dengler J., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Svenning J.-C., Steinbauer M., Lenoir J., Moeslund J., Knollová I., Řezníčková M. & data contributors. 2017. Vascular plant species-richness patterns in European vegetation. 10th Annual Meeting of the Specialist Group on Macroecology of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria & Switzerland. Vienna, Austria.
Večeřa M., Steinbauer M., Lewis Rj., Chytrý M., Divíšek J., Moeslund J., Lenoir J., Dengler J., Svenning J.-C., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Jandt U., Bruun H.H., Knollová I., Boch S., Dembicz I., Pärtel M. & data contributors. 2017. Patterns of plant diversity in European grasslands. 26th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey. Bilbao, Spain.
Прохоров В.Е. & Кожевникова М. В. 2017. Пространственная модель потенциального распространения сообществ Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959 в границах лесостепной зоны Восточной Европы. Окружающая среда и устойчивое развитие регионов: экологические вызовы XXI века. Труды III международной конференции. Казань, Республика Татарстан.
Kalníková V., Chytrý M. & data contributors. 2016. An overview of the European gravel bar vegetation. 25th Meeting of European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Krstonošić, D., Sever K., Temunović M., Katičić Bogdan I., Škvorc Ž., Franjić J. & Bogdan S. 2016. Estimate of adaptive capacity of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) by analysing ecological niche of the species. 25th Meeting of the European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Krstonošić, D., Temunović M., Sever K., Katičić Bogdan I., Čarni A., Škvorc Ž., Franjić J. & Bogdan S. 2016. Floristic and Ecological characteristics of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) forests in Europe. 5th Croatian Botanical Symposium with international participation. Book of abstracts. 5th Croatian Botanical Symposium with international participation. 22–25 September 2016, Primošten, Croatia.
Kudrnovsky H., Kalníková V. & data contributors. 2016. Alpine rivers and their ligneous vegetation with Myricaria germanica – an European wide overview of Salici-Myricarietum. 14. International Alpine Workshop – Durance 2016 & „4th Workshop of the European Typha minima Group“. 18–25 May 2016, Sigoyer, France.
Küzmič F., Lososová Z., Mucina L. & Šilc U. 2016. Database of European synanthropic vegetation. 25th Meeting of European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Küzmič F., Šilc U., Lososová Z., Mucina L. & EVA data contributors. 2016. European Weed Vegetation Database. 10th Weed Science Congress. 21–23 September 2016, Vrdnik, Serbia.
Levointurier-Vajda C., Chytrý M., Bonis A., Bouzillé J.-B., Rodriguez-Rojo M.P. & Palpurina S. 2016. Numerical classification of grassland vegetation communities in European Atlantic Biogeographic Region: Methods and first results of a large scale study of phytosociological alliances with big data. 25th Meeting of European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Monteiro-Henriques T., Fernández-Gonzales F., Agrillo E., Argagnon O., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Alessi N., Crespo G. & Neto C.S. 2016. Community structure influences diversity in Q. suber woods. 25th Meeting of European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy. – https://www.researchgate.net/…_suber_woods
Novák P. & project partners. 2016. Formalized classification of oak-hornbeam forest vegetation in Central and Western Europe: the first insights. 25th Meeting of the European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Sporbert M., Welk E. & Bruelheide H. 2016. Matching large plot databases with distribution range data to evaluate spatial and ecological representativeness. iDiv Annual Conference. 7–8 November 2016, Leipzig, Germany.
Temunović M., Krstonošić D., Sever K., Katičić Bogdan I., Bogdan S., Škvorc Ž. & Franjić J. 2016. Niche characteristics of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) along the species distribution range in europe. 5th Croatian Botanical Symposium with international participation. 22–25 September 2016, Primošten, Croatia.
Večeřa M., Chytrý M., Divíšek J., Knollová I. & data contributors. 2016. Mapping fine-resolution patterns of vascular plant species richness across European forests. 25th Meeting of the European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Wagner, V, Chytrý, M., Knollová, I., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Pergl, J., Biurrun, I. Pyšek, P., & data contributors and collaborators. 2016. Divergent levels of invasions across European woodlands. 9th International Conference on Biological Invasions – NEOBIOTA. 14–17 September 2015, Vianden, Luxembourg.
Wagner, V, Chytrý, M., Knollová, I., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Biurrun, I. & data contributors. 2016. Alien plant invasions across European woodlands. The Society of Ecological Restoration Europe Conference. 22–26 August 2016, Freising, Germany,
Wagner, V, Chytrý, M., Knollová, I., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Biurrun, I. & data contributors. 2016. Large vegetation database reveals contrasting levels of invasion across European woodlands. 25th Meeting of the European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Zukal D. & data contributors. 2016. Diversity of the European ravine and noble-hardwood forests. 25th Meeting of European Vegetation Survey. 6–9 April 2016, Rome, Italy.
Del Vecchio S., Prisco I., Janssen J., Acosta A., Tzonev R., Bioret F. & Buffa G. 2015. Biogeographic originality of the N-Adriatic 2130* habitat in the European context. 49° SISV Conference. 24–26 September 2015, Ancona, Italy.
Jiménez-Alfaro B. & Chytrý M. 2015. Perspectives in community-level spatial modeling for European vegetation data. 24th Workshop of the European Vegetation Survey. 4–8 May 2015, Rennes, France.
Kalníková V., Chytrý M. & data contributors. 2015. European gravel bar vegetation survey. 24th Workshop of European Vegetation Survey. 4–8 May 2015, Rennes, France
Novák P. & project partners. 2015. Vegetation of European oak-hornbeam forests – an introduction to the project. 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 19–24 July 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
Šibík J., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Pușcaș M., Kricsfalusy V., Theurillat J-P., Font X., Choler P., Svenning J.-C., Lenoir J., Dúbravcová Z. & EVA database partners. 2015. Siliceous alpine grasslands in Europe. 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 19–24 July 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
Šibík J., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Pușcaș M., Kricsfalusy V., Theurillat J.-P., Font X., Choler P., Dúbravcová Z. & EVA database partners. 2015. Variability, distribution and species composition of siliceous alpine grasslands in Europe. 24th Workshop of European Vegetation Survey. 4–8 May 2015, Rennes, France.
Večeřa M., Chytrý M. & Divíšek J. 2015. Fine-resolution patterns of plant species richness across European forests. 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 19–24 July 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
Wagner, V, Chytrý, M., Knollová, I., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P. & data contributors. 2015. A large-scale comparison of alien plant species richness and abundance across European forests. 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 19–24 July 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
Agrillo E., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Alessi N., Argagnon O., Crespo G., Espírito-Santo D., Fernández-Gonzales F., Massimi M., Monteiro-Henriques T. & Neto S.C. 2014. Floristic composition, ekology and distribution of Quercus suber L. Forests. 23rd Workshop of European Vegetation Survey. 8–12 May 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia. – https://www.researchgate.net/…ER_L_FORESTS
Crespo G., Agrillo E., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Alessi N., Argagnon O., Attorre F., Capelo J., Espírito-Santo D., Fernández-Gonzáles F., Massimi M., Monteiro-Henriques T. & Neto C.S. 2014. Floristic composition, typology and distribution of European Quercus suber forests. I Congreso de Sociedad Española de Geobotánica. 9–11 July 2014, Gijón, Spain. – https://www.researchgate.net/…uber_forests
Jiménez-Alfaro B. 2014. Ensamblaje y análisis de datos a escala europea. I Congreso de Sociedad Española de Geobotánica. 9–11 July 2014, Gijón, Spain.
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Chytrý M., Hennekens S.M., Knollová I., Schaminée J.H.J. & Braun Blanquet Consortium. 2014. The Braun-Blanquet Project: evaluating and characterizing European vegetation alliances. 23rd European Vegetation Survey Workshop. 8–12 May 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Hennekens S.M., Chytrý M. ́& data contributors. 2014. Data management for the Braun-Blanquet project and the European vegetation archive. Proceedings of the Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive Workshop. 14–16 October 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Suárez-Seoane S., Chytrý M., Hennekens S.M., Willner W., Hájek M., Agrillo E., Bergamini A., Brisse H., Brunet J., Casella L., Dítě D., Font X., Gillet F., Hájková P., Jansen F., Jandt U., Kącki Z., Lenoir J., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H.J., Sekulová L., Šibík J., Škvorc Ž. & Tsiripidis I. 2014. Broad-scale distribution modelling of community types: an example using European vegetation-plot databases and MaxEnt. 57th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. 1–5 September 2014, Perth, Australia.
Kalníková V. 2014. European gravel bar vegetation survey. 6th Meeting of PhD students in Plant Ecology and Botany. 10–12 October 2014, Karpacz, Poland.
Kalníková V., Chytrý M. & data contributors. 2014. Vegetation of gravel bars across Europe. 13th meeting on vegetation databases: Vegetation Databases and Ecological Restoration. 24–26 February 2014, Koblenz, Germany.
Wagner, V., Chytrý, M., Knollová, I., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P. & data contributors. 2014. InvasEVe: Large-scale assessment of alien plant invasions in European forests. Joint Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologie. 9–12 December 2014, Lille, France.
Jiménez-Alfaro B., Chytry M.,Hennekens S.M., Apostolova I., Čarni A., Csiky J., Dengler J., Dimopoulos P, Font X., Golub V., Jandt U., Jansen F., Kącki Z., Kevey B., Krstonosic D., Landucci F., Lysenko T., Martynenko V., Mucina V., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H.J., Šibík J., Šilc U., Sorokin A., Stančic Z., Willner W. & Yamalov S. 2013. Unifying and analyzing vegetation-plot databases. The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and the Braun-Blanquet project. Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA) Workshop. 14–16 April 2013, Krakow, Poland.